|-----------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------| | 1 - Ring Announcement Phase | | 2 - Mastership Phase (Stage 1?) | | For each Node: | | For each Node: | T0 | - Non Promiscuos Mode | T1 Expires | - Start/Restart T2 | --------------->| Ring Node TLV Advertisements (and Flags) |---------------------------->| - Check if Master | | - Promiscous Mode | | - If so, advertises itself as Master (M bit=1)|<------| | Hear Rings and advertise them | | | | | - Starts T1 | | |----| | |-----------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | T2 Expires | | More than One Master | | (i.e. More than One Ring | | Nodes advertising M bit = 1) | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------| | | | TBD – According to Draf Document item 4.5 | | 2 - Mastership Phase (Stage 2?) |<---| | | | | For each Node: | | | | | - Examines (again?) all Ring Node TLV |-------| | | | for the ring | | | | | | | | | |--->| | | |----| | |-----------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | Master Change or Broken Ring Only One Master | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------| | |----| 4 – Converged State Phase | Once All Nodes | 3 – Ring Identification Phase |<---| | | in Specific Ring Completed | For each Node starting with Master: | | | the Process (CW and AC) | - Advertises Ring Link TLV | | |<----------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | |---| | |----| |-----------------------------------------------| | |-----------------------------------------------| | ^ | ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----------------------| |----------------------| Changes Local to Point of Failure (e.g. Ring Link Addition) Once Ring Neighbor Node Advertised Ring Link TLV - with NO Master Change nor Broken Ring Repeat until All Nodes in Specific Ring Complete the Process (CW and AC)