Re: [mpls] Is IPR really a problem?

Andrew Alston - IETF <> Sat, 25 February 2023 09:49 UTC

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From: Andrew Alston - IETF <>
To: Tony Li <>, Toerless Eckert <>
CC: mpls <>
Thread-Topic: [mpls] Is IPR really a problem?
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Sending this purely as a contributor and not wearing other hats.

Heading up the department that I do in my day job, as we develop several products for the markets in which we operate, the IPR terms on the technologies we choose to implement are important to us.

I have no issues with MAD terms - because I know full well that if we run into legal issues under MAD terms it’s because we chose to take an action that is under our control.  Under the terms proposed on the IPR for this technology though, I find myself in another position.

A.) there is a potential that I would be unable to open-source code that used this technology - that poses certain challenges
B.) until I have knowledge of what the usage of said technology is going to cost, I cannot begin implementation - writing code and developing features is expensive and time consuming. This means that by the time these terms are fully known, and that decision is taken, chances are I will be well behind the development code of larger organizations that can afford to roll that dice.  That benefits the larger players and hurts the smaller players.
C.) I divide technology into that which is “optional” and that which is “mandatory” for an MVP. Technology that is as ubiquitous as MPLS would fall high onto my mandatory MVP list. What this means however is that the day I sell any product I have created I have an additional cost which lengthens the ROE on development time and cost, and this can affect product viability. Again, this places smaller players at a disadvantage to those that can afford to roll the dice.

As such, while I cannot and will not comment on the validity of the IPR - I will say that I do not support moving forward under the terms offered on this IPR, and should we move forward - I would ask the working group to work with me to find an alternative solution that is not covered under such terms - such that there is an option. This is as per section 7 of RFC8179.



From: mpls <> On Behalf Of Tony Li
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 7:22 PM
To: Toerless Eckert <>
Cc: mpls <>
Subject: Re: [mpls] Is IPR really a problem?


> I do not understand why any of those companies contributing most to the
> IETF routing area would shy away from IPR and royalties: We see left and
> right in the industry how Internet technologies become commoditized, and
> almost no one of the successful companies that is commoditizing IP/MPLS
> network technologies is contributing significantly to the IETF RTG efforts
> or innovating around its core technologies.

We live in significantly different universes. In my reality, there’s a large block of
successful companies that have been collaborating on those technologies.
I’ve been a first hand witness to it since 1991.

With one notable exception (which backfired), it has been done under MAD terms.
This is only fair: we operate under rough consensus rules. We try to participate as
individuals, but the motivations of the respective companies is clear: things are better
when we cooperate. A rising tide lifts all boats. And IPR revenue would be a tiny fraction
of what is available in the market space. We do not block acceptance of other companies’
proposals just on a competitive basis.

When one company decides to break with this tradition, then it tilts the playing field.
Suddenly, one company expects to be paid directly for their IPR and for the rest
of the community to simply accept that, despite other companies previously sharing their IPR.

> I would have issues with anything IPR for "The Internet" protocol/service aspects,
> because i think the Internet as a service is the proper "must be free for all to implement".

That’s exactly where I’m at. If you haven’t noticed, MPLS is core to the operation of the Internet.
Traffic engineering is a requirement for all large scale networks, not just Tier 1 backbones.
Routing protocols are fine for advertising reachability, but by themselves do not provide a
cost-effective network.

MNA, if it is to be a useful, widely deployed technology, needs broad implementation
and availability. IPR restrictions will cause some players to balk and result in spotty acceptance
and ultimate failure.


mpls mailing list<><>
