[mpls] to the memory of Ping Pan
Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Tue, 17 November 2015 02:18 UTC
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Wprking Group, RFC 7697 <draft-ietf-mpls-tp-oam-id-mib-11.txt> is in AUTH48. We understand that this will be the last RFC co-authored by Ping Pan. We will add the following paragraph to the Acknowledgement Section: The coauthors of this document, the working group chairs, the document shepherd, the responsible AD, and the MPLS Working Group wish to dedicate this RFC to the memory of our friend and colleague Ping Pan, in recognition for his dedication and hard work at the IETF. If there are comments you'll have to send them to the wg chairs before the end of the AUTH48 reviews. /Loa mpls wg co-chair -- Loa Andersson email: loa@mail01.huawei.com Senior MPLS Expert loa@pi.nu Huawei Technologies (consultant) phone: +46 739 81 21 64
- [mpls] to the memory of Ping Pan Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] to the memory of Ping Pan Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Stewart Bryant
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Stewart Bryant
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Huub van Helvoort
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Shah, Himanshu
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Varma, Eve L (Eve)
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Zafar Ali (zali)
- Re: [mpls] to the memory of Ping Pan Vishnu Pavan Beeram
- Re: [mpls] [Pals] to the memory of Ping Pan Mach Chen