[mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr-18: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
John Scudder <jgs@juniper.net> Thu, 27 June 2024 18:28 UTC
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From: John Scudder <jgs@juniper.net>
To: Chandrasekar Ramachandran <csekar@juniper.net>
Thread-Topic: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr-18: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)
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Hi Chandra, Thanks for your reply. I hadn’t realized there was such a long history to the issue raised in my DISCUSS. Based on the fact I ended up DISCUSSing on virtually the same issue Alvaro did in 2019, I have two immediate reactions: - I’ll clear the DISCUSS because even though I don’t love it, this issue has been raised and considered already. - However, some additional (editorial level) work should be done to further clarify the document in these areas. See more in line below. —John > On Jun 26, 2024, at 7:07 AM, Chandrasekar Ramachandran <csekar@juniper.net> wrote: > > Thanks for the detailed review. Please see inline (prefixed [CR]) for responses. > > Thanks, > Chandra. > > > Juniper Business Use Only >> -----Original Message----- >> From: John Scudder via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> >> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 6:06 AM >> To: The IESG <iesg@ietf.org> >> Cc: draft-ietf-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr@ietf.org; mpls-chairs@ietf.org; mpls@ietf.org; >> Nicolai Leymann <n.leymann@telekom.de>; n.leymann@telekom.de >> Subject: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr-18: (with >> DISCUSS and COMMENT) >> >> [External Email. Be cautious of content] >> >> >> John Scudder has entered the following ballot position for >> draft-ietf-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr-18: Discuss >> >> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all email >> addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this introductory >> paragraph, however.) >> >> >> Please refer to >> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statem >> ents/handling-ballot-positions/__;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!E- >> wtrMVo1qpsxwkeOZLVQjhalO1sPdAEG-o4lpb0Wn4W- >> lL70xoGf8s0cEIBtrEpTeWgFiMeSkm3cw$ >> for more information about how to handle DISCUSS and COMMENT >> positions. >> >> >> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here: >> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-mpls- >> ri-rsvp-frr/__;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!E-wtrMVo1qpsxwkeOZLVQjhalO1sPdAEG- >> o4lpb0Wn4W-lL70xoGf8s0cEIBtrEpTeWgFiN5pzldoQ$ >> >> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> DISCUSS: >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> # John Scudder, RTG AD, comments for draft-ietf-mpls-ri-rsvp-frr-18 CC >> @jgscudder >> >> Thanks for this document. It's a dense read for someone like me who is not >> an expert in RSVP, but it seems important, useful, and carefully done. I >> appreciate the precise and detailed work. >> > > [CR] Thank you. > >> I have one concern I've flagged as a DISCUSS point, which may turn out not to >> be a big deal if I've just misunderstood some nuance, but in any case, we >> should talk through it. I also have some other comments I hope might be >> helpful. >> >> ## DISCUSS >> >> ### Section 4.1 >> >> A node supporting facility backup protection [RFC4090] MUST set the >> RI-RSVP flag (I bit) that is defined in Section 3.1 of RSVP-TE >> Scaling Techniques [RFC8370] only if it supports all the extensions >> specified in the rest of this document. >> >> I have several concerns about this. At least some of them probably relate to >> my limited expertise in the subject area, but maybe I can at least expose some >> areas where additional explanation might be helpful in the document. >> > > [CR] Please also refer to the responses sent to Ketan (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/mpls/gMpvz7ez80a9AfOdPOvPSUZEcpM/) > >> First and foremost, as written this sentence doesn't seem like it's achievable in >> practice. Couldn't there be a legacy router in the field that supports both RFC >> 4090 and RFC 8370? Wouldn't that router then advertise the I bit, at least in >> some circumstances? >> > > [CR] As noted in the response to Ketan, the authors believe that it is extremely unlikely that an MPLS RSVP-TE implementation that supports RFC4090 would implement only RI-RSVP and not RI-RSVP-FRR. So, we don't envision there being a legacy MPLS router in the field that supports both RFC 4090 and RFC 8370. In the unlikely scenario where such an implementation choice was made, the requirements on the establishment of signaling handshake and the backwards compatibility procedures discussed in the document provide for sufficient cover. > >> Second, this MUST seems to conflict with a SHOULD in section 4.6.1, which >> says, >> >> An implementation supporting RI-RSVP-FRR extensions SHOULD set the >> flag "Refresh interval Independent RSVP" or RI-RSVP flag in the >> CAPABILITY object carried in Hello messages as specified in RSVP-TE >> Scaling Techniques [RFC8370]. >> > > [CR] We will update this to a "MUST". > >> It makes me wonder if the section 4.1 paragraph should be more like this. >> >> NEW: >> A node supporting facility backup protection [RFC4090] MUST NOT set the >> RI-RSVP flag (I bit) that is defined in Section 3.1 of RSVP-TE >> Scaling Techniques [RFC8370] unless it supports all the extensions >> specified in the rest of this document. >> > > [CR] Based on the three responses above, is this change still necessary? I’m going to move to No Objection, which means that I think the document *can* proceed without further changes if you and the responsible AD agree to it, but I still think you *should* make a change here. Let me try again to explain my point. The current Section 4.1 text is, OLD: A node supporting facility backup protection [RFC4090] MUST set the RI-RSVP flag (I bit) that is defined in Section 3.1 of RSVP-TE Scaling Techniques [RFC8370] only if it supports all the extensions specified in the rest of this document. IMO, the way you've chosen to express this makes the intent unclear. I had offered the rewrite, NEW: A node supporting facility backup protection [RFC4090] MUST NOT set the RI-RSVP flag (I bit) that is defined in Section 3.1 of RSVP-TE Scaling Techniques [RFC8370] unless it supports all the extensions specified in the rest of this document. This is intended to simply be a rearrangement of the clauses in a way that makes it easier for a reader to understand what your intent is. If you think I've changed your meaning vs. the original, please help me understand what you think the difference is. >> (Although even though that might be clearer, the first point stands, that it >> might not be achievable.) >> > > [CR] As noted above, we don't envision there being a legacy MPLS router in the field that supports both RFC 4090 and RFC 8370. There was some text in a draft version of RFC8370, that explicitly stated "use RI-RSVP-FRR procedures if RFC4090 procedures are implemented" (see section 2.2 of https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-teas-rsvp-te-scaling-rec/02/) but it was removed in later stages based on WG feedback. > >> Third, moving on to the end of the paragraph, >> >> Procedures for backward compatibility (see Section of this >> document) delves on this in detail. >> >> As far as I can tell, despite the title of Section 4.6.2, Subsection isn't a >> procedure for backward compatibility, it's a warning about the terrible things >> that can happen if some node in the network is incompatible. >> > > [CR] Subsection was added based on the discussion in the following thread (ask was to add some text describing the operational considerations for this particular scenario): https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/mpls/KDRVWBAajl08pnXDkit0ykRyZDg/ OK. I accept this subsection was the negotiated settlement to the objection Alvaro raised, and then I later unknowingly re-raised. I think it should be moved to a different section, however, since it is indeed not a procedure for backward compatibility at all (right?). I suggest you retitle it, OLD: Advertising RI-RSVP without RI-RSVP-FRR NEW: Consequence of Advertising RI-RSVP without RI-RSVP-FRR And that you move it up a couple of levels, making it Section 4.7 for instance. Finally, I think you could make exactly what this section is doing more transparent with a small edit, viz, OLD: If a node supporting facility backup protection [RFC4090] sets the RI-RSVP capability (I bit) but does not support the RI-RSVP-FRR extensions, then it leaves room for stale state to linger around for an inordinate period of time or disruption of normal FRR operation (see Section 3 of this document). NEW: If a node supporting facility backup protection [RFC4090] sets the RI-RSVP capability (I bit) but does not support the RI-RSVP-FRR extensions, for example because it is a legacy node, or due to an implementation bug or configuration error, then it leaves room for stale state to linger around for an inordinate period of time or disruption of normal FRR operation (see Section 3 of this document). > >> Is all of this right? That there could be a legacy node in the network, with no >> way to detect that it doesn't comply with the present specification, and that >> terrible things such as describes, could happen as a result? >> > > [CR] Please refer to the previous response above. > >> (I see Ketan Talaulikar raised a related concern in his RTGDIR review.) >> >> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> COMMENT: >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> ## COMMENT Thanks for resolving my previous comments. I have one new comment, related to the changes made since my last review. ### Section 4.4.3, what other bits could there be? Version 21 has, If no bit is set, then the PathTear message MUST be processed as a normal PathTear message for the LSP. I see this was introduced after my last review. I'm curious as to the reason for the change (I suppose it was the result of somebody else's review). I ask because, the previous text spoke specifically about "the M-bit" but now you speak generically about "no bit", presumably to include the M-bit, but not exclusively. The problem is, I don't see any other bit flags in the object header, even potentially. The fields are Length, Class, C–type, a one-bit field called M-bit, and a field 31 bits wide, called "Reserved", but notably, not called "flags" or something like that. So, what is the difference between the old text, and the new? As far as I can tell the new text while correct, is less transparent than the old text without bringing any benefit.
- [mpls] John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-mpls-… John Scudder via Datatracker
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… Chandrasekar Ramachandran
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… Chandrasekar Ramachandran
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… John Scudder
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… Chandrasekar Ramachandran
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… John Scudder
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… Chandrasekar Ramachandran
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… Chandrasekar Ramachandran
- [mpls] Re: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-m… John Scudder