[mpls] Re: Poll: IOAM and PSD

Rakesh Gandhi <rgandhi.ietf@gmail.com> Mon, 05 August 2024 22:30 UTC

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From: Rakesh Gandhi <rgandhi.ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2024 18:30:03 -0400
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Subject: [mpls] Re: Poll: IOAM and PSD
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Hi Tony,

Although not directly related to the question in the poll but since PSD is
mentioned in the title of this email for poll, like to highlight the
certain advantages of adding IOAM data fields in Post-Stack Network Action
for both post-card based and passport-based methods.

   1. IOAM E2E/POT/TRACE/DEX option-types contain various data fields as
   defined in RFC 9197 and RFC 9326
   2. Data fields such as 32-bit Sequence Number or 32-bit Timestamp in
   In-Stack LSE can lead to undesired ECMP behavior on nodes that use labels
   for ECMP hashing
      - Data fields in Post-Stack are not included in ECMP hashing
   3. 32-bit data fields do not fit into 30-bit data in In-Stack LSE,
   limited to 11-bit as variable or mutable data
   - RFC standard IOAM format data fields fit well into 32-bit Post-Stack
      Network Action Data
      4. IOAM option types support extensibility to optionally add many
   data fields
      - Node can easily skip In-Stack network action and process the next
      one even when Data in Post-Stack is outside RLD
   5. IOAM-DEX data fields can be seen as metadata in the received packets
   that data plane exports
      - Metadata could easily be in Post-Stack

P.S. The IOAM network action and offset for the data fields for both IOAM
methods would be in-stack. The above points are for the data fields.



On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:27 AM Tony Li <tony.li@tony.li> wrote:

> [WG chair hat: on]
> Hi all,
> We’ve had many discussions about IOAM and PSD over the last few years. We
> need to reach consensus on the problems that need to be addressed in these
> areas. Therefore, we would like to hear from everyone, especially
> independent operators:
>    1.
>    There are many flavors of IOAM.  Which ones would you like to
>    deploy/implement with MNA?
>    2.
>    Do you have other applications of MNA that have not been proposed yet?
>  This poll will close in two weeks, at 9am PDT, Aug 13.
> Regards,
> MPLS chairs
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