[mpls] 1 Month Until MPLS 2010 International Conference: Register Now!
Matt Tylenda <mtylenda@isocore.com> Thu, 23 September 2010 20:40 UTC
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The 13th annual MPLS 2010 is set to open on October 45, 2010 in Washington,DC The technical program details and sponsors list is available at www.mpls2010.com Registration is still open - http://www.isocore.com/mpls2010/registration/attendees.htm Also, rooms are almost sold out! Please be sure to reserve your space at the Omni Shoreham while rooms are still available. http://www.isocore.com/mpls2010/hotel.htm We look forward to seeing you at the show! -MPLS 2010 Team
- [mpls] 1 Month Until MPLS 2010 International Conf… Matt Tylenda