[mpls] YANG label type definition for multiple technologies

"Tarek Saad (tsaad)" <tsaad@cisco.com> Thu, 09 June 2016 16:46 UTC

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From: "Tarek Saad (tsaad)" <tsaad@cisco.com>
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Thread-Topic: YANG label type definition for multiple technologies
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Hi WGs,

In our last TE YANG meeting, the team discussed the issue of a unified YANG label type that can apply to multiple technologies. Below are some minutes. Let us know if you have further comments/suggestions.
For reference, RFC3471 (section 3.2.1) defines the generalized label as a variable length field whose interpretation is dependent on the link label type.
Also RFC7139 (section 6.1) defines the OTN label as variable size field too.

Two options were discussed: A) strict label type definition per technology, B) unified generic label type that applies to all technologies

Couple of things that we thought may need to be covered:

  1.  Sanity on label value(s) on per technology:
     *   For A) the sanity could be implicit in the label type definition, e.g.
  typedef mpls-label {
    type uint32 {
      range "0..1048575";

     *   For B):
                                                               i.      the sanity can be done in YANG with a “must” check under the respective leaf(s), or
                                                             ii.      the sanity can be left for the device backend to validate input values – no check in YANG

  1.  We debated if an abstract (technology-independent) YANG model(s) may require the use of generic label type – e.g. to cover a case of multiple technologies objects being represented in same model.

Here are options we discussed:
A. Per-technology strict type definitions (e.g. mpls-label, otn-label, etc..):
- MPLS technology type:
  typedef mpls-label {
    type uint32 {
      range "0..1048575";

in MPLS model use:
e.g. for MPLS LSPs, use
  leaf incoming-label {
    type mpls:mpls-label;

- OTN technology (rfc7139, section 6.1 defines variable size field):
  typedef otn-label {
    type binary;

e.g. for OTN LSPs, use
  leaf incoming-label {
    type otn:otn-label;

B. Generalized label type (liberal):
Geneic label covers all label types by defining it as binary with no strict length check.
typedef generic-label {
  type binary;

somewhat similar to way ip-address type is defined in YANG:
typedef ip-address {
 type union {
   type ipv4-address;
   type ipv6-address;

in MPLS model use:
e.g. for MPLS LSPs, use
  leaf incoming-label {
    type generic-label;
    must “0 <= current() <= 1048575”


From: tsaad@cisco.com
When: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM June 10, 2016
Subject: MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data model meeting
Location: webex

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