[mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension-header
Tarek Saad <tsaad.net@gmail.com> Mon, 16 January 2023 16:22 UTC
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From: Tarek Saad <tsaad.net@gmail.com>
To: "mpls@ietf.org" <mpls@ietf.org>, "draft-song-mpls-extension-header@ietf.org" <draft-song-mpls-extension-header@ietf.org>
CC: "mpls-chairs@ietf.org" <mpls-chairs@ietf.org>, "pals-chairs@ietf.org" <pals-chairs@ietf.org>, DetNet Chairs <detnet-chairs@ietf.org>
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Subject: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension-header
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Dear Working Group and Open DT, This email initiates an IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension-header in anticipation of its working group adoption poll. Are you aware of any IPR that applies to the draft identified above? Please state either: "No, I'm not aware of any IPR that applies to this draft" or "Yes, I'm aware of IPR that applies to this draft" If your answer is yes, has this IPR been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules (see RFCs 3669, 5378 and 8179 for more details)? Please state either: "Yes, the IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules" or "No, the IPR has not been disclosed" If your answer no, please provide any additional details you think appropriate. If you are listed as a document author or contributor please answer the above by responding to this email regardless of whether or not you are aware of any relevant IPR. **The response needs to be sent to the MPLS WG mailing list.** This document will not advance to the next stage until a response has been received from each author. Note, currently there is one IPR disclosure listed against this document: https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/5827/ If you are on the WG email list or attend WG meetings but are not listed as an author or contributor, we remind you of your obligations under the IETF IPR rules which encourages you to notify the IETF if you are aware of IPR of others on an IETF contribution, or to refrain from participating in any contribution or discussion related to your undisclosed IPR. For more information, please see the RFCs listed above and http://trac.tools.ietf.org/group/iesg/trac/wiki/IntellectualProperty. The authors/contributors that we expect responses from are: Haoyu Song Tianran Zhou Loa Andersson Zhaohui Zhang Rakesh Gandhi Zhenbin Li Jaganbabu Rajamanickam Jisu Bhattacharya James Guichard Stewart Bryant Andrew Malis Regards, Tarek (as MPLS WG co-Chair)
- [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension-hea… Tarek Saad
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Rakesh Gandhi (rgandhi)
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Tianran Zhou
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Haoyu Song
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang
- [mpls] FW: IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… James Guichard
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Jaganbabu Rajamanickam
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Stewart Bryant
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Lizhenbin
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Tarek Saad
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Jisu Bhattacharya (jisu)
- Re: [mpls] IPR poll for draft-song-mpls-extension… Tianran Zhou