[mpls] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-mpls-inband-pm-encapsulation-14
xiao.min2@zte.com.cn Mon, 26 August 2024 08:58 UTC
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Subject: [mpls] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-mpls-inband-pm-encapsulation-14
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Hi Daniele, Thanks for your review and thoughtful comments. Please see inline. Original From: DanieleCeccarelliviaDatatracker <noreply@ietf.org> To: ops-dir@ietf.org <ops-dir@ietf.org>; Cc: draft-ietf-mpls-inband-pm-encapsulation.all@ietf.org <draft-ietf-mpls-inband-pm-encapsulation.all@ietf.org>;last-call@ietf.org <last-call@ietf.org>;mpls@ietf.org <mpls@ietf.org>; Date: 2024年08月23日 20:34 Subject: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-mpls-inband-pm-encapsulation-14 Reviewer: Daniele Ceccarelli Review result: Has Issues General comments: The intro says: "Considering the MPLS performance measurement with the Alternate-Marking method can also be achieved by MNA encapsulation, it is agreed that this document will be made Historic once the MNA solution of performance measurement with the Alternate-Marking method is published as an RFC." The first reaction to this statement is: how long will it take for the MNA encapsulation to be delivered? If we already know that this will be obsoleted by the MNA encapsulation, is it worth publishing it? [XM]>>> At the request of the MPLS WG chairs, the text you quoted was added to version -11 of this document. After that, this document passed WGLC and there was unanimous consensus to publish it as an RFC. Considering there are existing interoperable implementations of this document, while the MNA solution of performance measurement with alternate marking method is still at the early stage without WG draft and known implementation, it's worth publishing this document. Detailed comments below: - Section 3: I was expecting a bit of intro/explanation here. The section starts saying that the encapsulation has this format. Boom. Is it something that already exists? If so where has it been defined? If not could we say something like" this document defines a new encapsulation as shown in figure below..." [XM]>>> That's defined in this document first. Propose to change the text as below. OLD Flow-based MPLS performance measurement encapsulation with alternate marking method has the following format: NEW This document defines the Flow-based MPLS performance measurement encapsulation with alternate marking method, as shown in figure below. - Section 3 suggest rephrasing. OLD The Traffic Class (TC) and Time To Live (TTL) [RFC3032] for the XL and FLI MUST use the same field values as the label immediately preceding the XL. unless it is known that the XL will not be exposed as the top label at any point along the LSP. NEW The Traffic Class (TC) and Time To Live (TTL) fields of the XL and FLI MUST use the same values of the label immediately preceding the XL, unless it is known that the XL will not be exposed as the top label at any point along the LSP. Is the "unless..." really necessary? Can't this be always the case? [XM]>>> Yes, this can always be the case. Will use the text you suggested and delete the "unless...". - Section 3: "The BoS bit for the FL depends on whether the FL is placed at the bottom of the MPLS label stack, i.e., the BoS bit for the FL is set only when the FL is placed at the bottom of the MPLS label stack. Isn't this always the case? [XM]>>> No, Figure 2 provides an example the FL is not placed at the bottom of the MPLS label stack. - Section 3: To achieve the purpose of coloring the MPLS traffic, and to distinguish between hop-by-hop measurement and edge-to-edge measurement, the TC for the FL is defined as follows: The TC is a single field 3 bits long and here it's used as 3 independent flags. I'm not sure if this is possible, but if it is it must at least be explained. [XM]>>> This is possible and it's already been implemented. Propose to add below new text to the end of the TC definition. NEW Considering the FL is not used as a forwarding label, the repurposing of the TC for the FL is feasible and viable. - Examples section highly appreciated - Section 4,5 and 6 clear [XM]>>> Thank you. Cheers, Xiao Min
- [mpls] Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-mpls… Daniele Ceccarelli via Datatracker
- [mpls] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-… xiao.min2
- [mpls] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-… Daniele Ceccarelli (dceccare)
- [mpls] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-… xiao.min2
- [mpls] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-… xiao.min2
- [mpls] Re: Opsdir last call review of draft-ietf-… Daniele Ceccarelli (dceccare)