[mpls] Re: draft-ihle-mpls-mna-stateless-egress-protection-00 - alternative approach
Fabian Ihle <fabian.ihle@uni-tuebingen.de> Wed, 06 November 2024 19:24 UTC
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Subject: [mpls] Re: draft-ihle-mpls-mna-stateless-egress-protection-00 - alternative approach
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Hi Stewart, thanks for the feedback! I like the idea as it is more generalized and simpler. Maybe there will be other use cases in the future that will benefit from a general "pop N LSEs" network action as well. Regarding the MNA header with multiple MNA network actions, we could define a constraint like "the 'pop N network actions' action must always be on top of the NAS". This way, the other network actions remain untouched and we just have to repair the NASL field (decrement it by N). I have yet to think about the application labels. Best, Fabian On 06.11.24 13:37, Stewart Bryant wrote: > An alternative strategy to encoding the alternate path labels “strangely” in the MNA header and then needing to construct a new stack by reformatting the MNA data into real labels is to have an MNA action : IF no repair POP n else ignore (or POP) action. > > > So the stack looks like > > LSE to PLR > MNA Action POP n if no repair > LSE to C’ > LSE to C’' > Etc > > Note that delivery is not the only thing you need to worry about you need worry about the application labels which both egress nodes need to worry about. > > So what happens > > At the PLR it is determined if the link to C is up and C is alive. > > If C is OK POP (or cleans) MNA header and the labels to the value n in its parameter. In the above case n = 2. > > If C is not OK POP (or cleans) MNA header > > At this point we now have a set of LSEs at TOS that will execute the repair and get the packet to the alternate exit for C. > > Note that the solution needs to consider what happens to the MNA header if more than one MNA action is present (proposed solution and this alternate) and what happens to application labels which need to be understood at C and the alternate to C. > > This seems simpler and much more aligned with the existing MPLS architecture. > > Best regards > > Stewart > > > _______________________________________________ > mpls mailing list -- mpls@ietf.org > To unsubscribe send an email to mpls-leave@ietf.org -- Fabian Ihle Universität Tübingen Fachbereich Informatik Lehrstuhl Kommunikationsnetze Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik Sand 13, 72076 Tübingen Raum: B303 Telefonnr.: +49 7071 29-70545 E-Mail: fabian.ihle@uni-tuebingen.de Internet: uni-tuebingen.de
- [mpls] draft-ihle-mpls-mna-stateless-egress-prote… Stewart Bryant
- [mpls] Re: draft-ihle-mpls-mna-stateless-egress-p… Fabian Ihle