[mpls] Review and Consensus call on text from the MPLS Open DT on in-stack indicators

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Thu, 05 August 2021 14:51 UTC

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Subject: [mpls] Review and Consensus call on text from the MPLS Open DT on in-stack indicators
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Working Group, MPLS Open DT,

The week before IETF 111 the Open DT met and agreed upon a text on 
"indicators". The terminology we use is that somewhere in the label 
stack there is an indicator tell the processing node that a specific 
packet needs a certain set of Forwarding Actions, for example some iOAM 
action might be required. To support the forwarding action there is 
often ancillary data with the packet.

The text the DT produced is about the indicators, a companion text on 
ancillary data will follow.

The text was discussed in the Joint meeting and reported to the MPLS 
working group at IETF 111. The Open DT itself can only propose, the text 
is therefore now sent out to the working group for review and consensus 

The proposed text is found at:

Please review the proposed text and comment on the MPLS wg mailing list 

We plan to keep the consensus call open until 2021-08-20.

Open DT Co-ordinator / MPLS wg co-chair


Loa Andersson                        email: loa@pi.nu
Senior MPLS Expert                          loa.pi.nu@gmail.com
Bronze Dragon Consulting             phone: +46 739 81 21 64