Re: [mpls] I-D Action: draft-smack-mpls-rfc4379bis-05.txt
"Nagendra Kumar Nainar (naikumar)" <> Mon, 05 October 2015 15:02 UTC
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Subject: Re: [mpls] I-D Action: draft-smack-mpls-rfc4379bis-05.txt
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Hi All, Uptil this version, all Erratas on RFC4379 has been addressed and text were updated to reflect TC instead of EXP (RFC5462). As mentioned in Section 1.5 of draft-smack-mpls-rfc4379bis, the next step is to evaluate the RFCs that updates RFC4379 and identify the list to be incorporated in rfc4379bis. A summary of updates by RFC 6424: * Updates the validation procedure to include Stitching and Hierarchical LSPs. * Deprecates DSMAP defined in RFC4379 and replaces it with DDMAP. * Introduces a new TLV as FEC Stack Change Sub-TLV * Introduces 2 New return codes. * Check and include IANA considerations. Potential Update - Update the return code and DDMAP TLV in respective section, Remove (or Deprecate DSMAP), update the procedure with DDMAP reference in place of DSMAP, Update the procedure section 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6. A summary of updates by RFC 6425: * Extends the validation procedure for P2MP and MP2MP LSPs. * Introduces 4 new Target FEC Stack Sub-TLVs. * Introduces 2 new TLVs (and related Sub-TLVs) * Check and include IANA considerations. Potential Update - Per discussion with WG. A summary of updates by RFC 6426: * Extends the validation procedure for MPLS-TP with both IP based and non-IP (ACH) based encapsulation . * Introduces 2 new Target FEC Stack Sub-TLVs. * Introduces new Address types for DSMAP * Introduces 3 new TLVs. * Reserves a flag in Global Flags. * Check and include IANA considerations. Potential Update - Per discussion with WG. A summary of updates by RFC 6829: * Introduces 2 new Target FEC Stack Sub-TLVs for PW between IPv6 endpoints. * No changes in procedure. * Check and include IANA considerations. Potential Update - Include the Sub-TLVs in respective section. A summary of updates by RFC 7506: * Introduces a new option in IPv6 HbH extension header. * No changes in procedure. * Check and include IANA considerations. Potential Update - Include the same and update the header processing section. A summary of updates by RFC 7537: * Document to create IANA registries for name spaces defined in RFC4379 and 6424. * No changes in procedure. * Check and include IANA considerations. Potential Update - Include the same in IANA consideration. Since RFC 6829 and 7506 are straight forward, we will go ahead and include the same while we discuss on the other RFCs. Please share your thoughts and accordingly, we can include the relevant content to update the draft. Thanks, Nagendra On 10/3/15, 10:19 AM, "" <> wrote: > >A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts >directories. > > > Title : Detecting Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS) >Data Plane Failures > Authors : Carlos Pignataro > Nagendra Kumar > Sam Aldrin > Mach(Guoyi) Chen > Filename : draft-smack-mpls-rfc4379bis-05.txt > Pages : 49 > Date : 2015-10-03 > >Abstract: > This document describes a simple and efficient mechanism that can be > used to detect data plane failures in Multi-Protocol Label Switching > (MPLS) Label Switched Paths (LSPs). There are two parts to this > document: information carried in an MPLS "echo request" and "echo > reply" for the purposes of fault detection and isolation, and > mechanisms for reliably sending the echo reply. > > This document obsoletes RFC 4379. > > >The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is: > > >There's also a htmlized version available at: > > >A diff from the previous version is available at: > > > >Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of >submission >until the htmlized version and diff are available at > >Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at: > > >_______________________________________________ >I-D-Announce mailing list > > >Internet-Draft directories: >or
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action: draft-smack-mpls-rfc4379bi… Nagendra Kumar Nainar (naikumar)
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action: draft-smack-mpls-rfc4379bi… Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action: draft-smack-mpls-rfc4379bi… Nagendra Kumar Nainar (naikumar)