[mpls] Implementation Poll on draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-udp-return-path was:(Re: preparing the shepherd wwrite-up for draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-udp-return-path)

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Sat, 17 October 2015 10:34 UTC

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Subject: [mpls] Implementation Poll on draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-udp-return-path was:(Re: preparing the shepherd wwrite-up for draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-udp-return-path)
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I've seen no responses on this, we had an early allocation motivated by
implementations, so it might have been because of a cryptic subject.
Resending with a clearer subject.


On 2015-10-05 21:57, Loa Andersson wrote:
> Working Group,
> We are preparing the Shepherd Write-Up for draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-
> udp-return-path. One question we need to answer is if we have know
> implementations and/or deployments of the specification.
> This mail starts an implementation poll on draft-ietf-mpls-rfc6374-
> udp-return-path. If you have an implementation or plan to implement
> the draft please respond to this mail.
> /Loa
> mpls wg co-chair