[mpls] adopting draft-farbryantrel-mpls-retire-ach-tlv as an MPLS working group draft

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Thu, 23 May 2013 16:38 UTC

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Working Group,

we have a quite simple and straightforward draft, that is also
necessary to progress other working group drafts -

The draft has been through an MPLS-RT review and updated after
the (small) comments in that review. All reviewers agree that
the draft is ready to be adopted as a working group draft.

The working group chairs has re-read the thread on this draft
and found a good support in the working group to make it a working
group document.

The working group chairs has therefore decided to make the draft
an MPLS working group document.

The authors have stated that they do not know of any IPR applicable
to this draft; in the unlikely event that some have IPRs that are
applicable please disclose this on the mpls wg mailing list.

Could the authors please re-post the draft as

for the mpls wg co-chairs

Loa Andersson                        email: loa@mail01.huawei.com
Senior MPLS Expert                          loa@pi.nu
Huawei Technologies (consultant)     phone: +46 739 81 21 64