[mpls] [MPLS] A doubt about RFC 6428

Alan Davey <Alan.Davey@metaswitch.com> Fri, 03 May 2013 17:11 UTC

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From: Alan Davey <Alan.Davey@metaswitch.com>
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I have a doubt about RFC 6428.  Could you please let me know what you think of the following.

Section, Exit from a Mis-Connectivity Defect, states that "Exit from a mis-connectivity defect state occurs when no CV messages with mis-connectivity defects have been received for a period of 3.5 seconds".

However, the State Machines in section 3.7.5 have no input corresponding to an "Exit from a Mis-Connectivity Defect" timer pop.  (Although they do have a MIS-CONNECTIVITY input added by RFC 6428.)  If the State Machine is followed then Down state is exited as soon as the remote system signals Down state.

Should the State Machines be modified such that Down state following a MIS-CONNECTIVITY input is only exited after an "Exit from a Mis-Connectivity Defect" timer pop input or am I missing something?

Alan Davey

Network Technologies
Metaswitch Networks

+44 (0) 20 8366 1177