[mpls] comments on draft-saad-mpls-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte

Kireeti Kompella <kireeti.kompella@gmail.com> Wed, 04 November 2015 01:30 UTC

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Subject: [mpls] comments on draft-saad-mpls-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte
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Hi Tarek, George:

I appreciate (but don't fully agree with) your motivation -- to minimize
time on the temporary path.  This could be the backup path in the case of
FRR, or the original path in case of reoptimization.

On the other hand, I think some might be worried about the number of
forwarding changes: from original path to temporary to DLL stack to final
path.  Each forwarding change can lead to some packets being dropped or
reordered.  So, perhaps the objective function being optimized should be to
minimize forwarding changes rather than minimize time on the temporary
path.  At the very least, there should be a discussion of this in the draft
(and on the list).
