[mpls] Closed - Re: Poll to see if we have consensus to adopt draft-kompella-mpls-rmr as an MPLS wg dcument
Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Thu, 15 October 2015 03:04 UTC
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From: Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu>
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Subject: [mpls] Closed - Re: Poll to see if we have consensus to adopt draft-kompella-mpls-rmr as an MPLS wg dcument
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Working Group, This working group adoption poll (wgap) is closed. We have a new working group document. Can the authors please post the document as draft-ietf-mpls-rmr-00, without any other changes than the administrative (file name, dates and version). /Loa mpls wg co-chair On 2015-09-28 19:07, Loa Andersson wrote: > Working Group, > > This is to start a two week poll on adopting draft-kompella-mpls-rmr-02 > as an MPLS working group document. > > Please send your comments (support/not support) to the mpls working > group mailing list (mpls@ietf.org) Please give a technical > motivation for your support/not support, especially if you think that > the document should not be adopted as a working group document. > > There is currently one IPR disclosure against this document. All the > authors has stated on the working group mailing that they are unaware of > any undisclosed IPRs that relates to this draft.. > > However if you are on the the mpls working group mailing list and > aware of IPR that relates to this draft, the time to disclose > this is now. > > This poll ends October 12, 2015. > > /Loa > mpls wg co-chair >
- [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to adopt … Loa Andersson
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Gregory Mirsky
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Santosh Esale
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Vishnu Pavan Beeram
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Ambrose Kwong
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… weiqiang cheng
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Mach Chen
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… George Swallow (swallow)
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Kireeti Kompella
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Nadeau Thomas
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Chandrasekar Ramachandran
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Huub van Helvoort
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Italo Busi
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… Shahram Davari
- Re: [mpls] Poll to see if we have consensus to ad… LUIS MIGUEL CONTRERAS MURILLO
- [mpls] Closed - Re: Poll to see if we have consen… Loa Andersson