[mpls] Closed: Working Group Adoption Poll on draft-zheng-mpls-lsp-ping-yang-cfg

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Mon, 25 March 2019 15:08 UTC

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Working Group,

We will discuss draft-zheng-mpls-lsp-ping-yang-cfg at our f2f meeting on
Wednesday. The intention is to see if we can find a way forward. We
normally do not discuss documents that are in some type of review. The
wgap is therefore closed.


On 2019-02-20 06:35, Loa Andersson wrote:
> Working Group,
> This is to start a two week poll on adopting
> draft-zheng-mpls-lsp-ping-yang-cfg-10
> as a MPLS working group document.
> Please send your comments (support/not support) to the mpls working
> group mailing list (mpls@ietf.org) Please give a technical
> motivation for your support/not support, especially if you think that
> the document should not be adopted as a working group document.
> We have done an IPR poll for this document. All the co-authors have
> responded to the IPR poll that they are unaware of any IPRs that relates
> to this draft.
> All, the contributors (with one exception) have responded to the IPR
> poll that they are unaware of any IPRs that relates to this draft.
> The contributor that has not responded has left his former employment
> and is no longer on the MPLS wg mailing list. The wg chairs has decided
> to go ahead with the wgap. If there is any concerns about this, please
> speak up in the mailing list.
> There are no IPR disclosures against this document.
> The working group adoption poll ends March 6, 2019.
> /Loa
> mpls wg co-chair


Loa Andersson                        email: loa@pi.nu
Senior MPLS Expert
Bronze Dragon Consulting             phone: +46 739 81 21 64