[mpls] Looking at draft-sxg-mpls-mna-deterministic-latency
Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk> Thu, 04 July 2024 15:15 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
To: draft-sxg-mpls-mna-deterministic-latency@ietf.org
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Subject: [mpls] Looking at draft-sxg-mpls-mna-deterministic-latency
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Thanks for this draft. I see it has bounced around a bit, but I believe you have now settled on the right positioning: - It's an MPLS WG topic - It is targeted for MNA It is good to have a proposed solution for one of the MNA use cases. I found the term "deterministic latency" hard to resolve without reading the whole document. "Bounded latency" is explained in section 1 with a brief definition and a pointer to RFC 9320. That's great, but can you also add a definition of deterministic latency near the top of the Introduction? And perhaps a more detailed definition in section 3.2. You might add [I-D.ietf-mpls-mna-fwk] and [I-D.ietf-mpls-mna-requirements] to section 2.2 In Figure 1 (like Figure 1 of RFC 8964) it is really important that you mark "top of stack" and "bottom of stack" because the picture is non-intuitively "upside down". It is correct that you follow the format of 8964, but you need to highlight this. In particular, Figure 2 reverts to the "normal" way of displaying LSE ordering. In section 2, I see that you are assuming that the DLNA will always be carried by a Type C LSE. I think we have to consider the case where the DLNA is the only MNA in the packet. In this case, are you assuming that a Type B LSE will be included with opcode=2? You just need to add a few words for this. draft-ietf-mpl-mna-hdr has been a moving target! You need to do a little work in Figure 2 to catch up with the latest LSE formats. Can you give any advice for the setting of the U-bit and IHS for the DNSL case? Quite a bit more work will be needed to explain what ancillary data is carried and how it is encoded. Part of this will be explaining why you leave some of the bits in the Type C LSE as reserved. For section 6, please consider that the MPLS header is not normally protected. What would happen if an attacker changed the values in the ancillary data? How can this be protected (
- [mpls] Re: Looking at draft-sxg-mpls-mna-determin… song.xueyan2
- [mpls] Looking at draft-sxg-mpls-mna-deterministi… Adrian Farrel
- [mpls] Re: Looking at draft-sxg-mpls-mna-determin… Adrian Farrel