Re: [mpls] entropy label indicator labelindraft-kompella-mpls-entropy-label

Kireeti Kompella <> Wed, 28 July 2010 11:24 UTC

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From: Kireeti Kompella <>
To: Yong Lucy <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 04:18:40 -0700
Thread-Topic: [mpls] entropy label indicator labelindraft-kompella-mpls-entropy-label
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Subject: Re: [mpls] entropy label indicator labelindraft-kompella-mpls-entropy-label
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Hi Lucy,

On Jul 28, 2010, at 04:06 , Yong Lucy wrote:

> Yes, each egress PE reserves its own ELI label value. Ingress PEs need
> remember each PE reserved ELI label. For a large network, one PE may send
> packets to many PEs.

We might be making a bit too much of this.  A PE needs to allocate for reception only one ELI for *all* its apps/protocols.  In fact, a vendor will probably have a single ELI value across all their boxes.  We (the mpls WG) could pick a suggested value (outside the reserved range) that several vendors could choose to implement.  The net is that a PE even though it sends to many other PEs may have a small handful (or even one) value of ELI to send.

Folks, speak up, and if there is enough support, I'll throw in a para suggesting a common ELI value ... unless the chairs/ADs step in and provide technical reasons why not.


> Cheers,
> Lucy 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On Behalf Of
>> Curtis Villamizar
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:38 AM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [mpls] entropy label indicator labelindraft-kompella-mpls-
>> entropy-label
>> In message <>
>> Stewart Bryant writes:
>>> John
>>> Why do you prefer to use an ELI as opposed to using a new set of FECs
>>> with the property that they are followed by an EL?
>>> Stewart
>> Stewart,
>> The same TE LSP can carry an IP payload and other MPLS LSP.  This
>> avoids confusing an entropy label with a forwarding label.
>> The egress does not have to know apriori whether the ingress is adding
>> an entropy label and the ingress is free to add an entropy label to
>> some but not all traffic.
>> The draft only provides LDP signaling.  TE signaling should also be
>> provided.  The entropy label can be a per host value (platform label
>> space) and it doesn't matter much where in OSPF-TE or ISIS-TE the TLV
>> is placed.
>> It would be nice if as we add further MPLS extensions we got the new
>> behavior we are looking for without making it such that MPLS-TP cannot
>> be accommodated on the same path and adding signaling to TE as well as
>> LDP is a small step in that direction.
>> Curtis
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