[mpls] heads up on draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-lsp-fastreroute-06.txt in the IESG review

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.se> Wed, 22 September 2004 15:34 UTC

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WG groups,

this is a heads up on changes to the
draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-lsp-fastreroute-06.txt, as a
result of the preparation for IESG-review.

The IESG/wg chairs/authors want the working to be
aware of this change and open up a possibility to
comment on it.

The change is for the Vendor Private Use C-Types for the FAST-REROUTE 
and DETOUR objects.  For the C-Types in that range, the first four 
octets after the C-Type MUST be the Vendor's SMI Network Management 
Private Enterprise Code.

Plese send comments to wg mailing list and/or wg co-chairs, before
end of business day (PST) Wednesday 29 October.

Loa Andersson

Principal Networking Architect
Acreo AB                           phone:  +46 8 632 77 14
Isafjordsgatan 22                  mobile: +46 739 81 21 64
Kista, Sweden                      email:  loa.andersson@acreo.se

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