[multipathtcp] Reminder: MPTCP side meeting Monday 10am
<philip.eardley@bt.com> Sun, 24 March 2019 23:11 UTC
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Thread-Topic: Reminder: MPTCP side meeting Monday 10am
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Just a reminder that we have our side meeting to discuss future topics for MPTCP WG. 10am in Paris room Hope to see some of you there. I suspect remote participation facilities won’t be in the room, but we’ll check this tomorrow phil From: Eardley,PL,Philip,TUD1 R Sent: 15 March 2019 17:36 To: Eardley,PL,Philip,TUD1 R <philip.eardley@bt.com>; multipathtcp@ietf.org Subject: RE: mptcp - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 104 << In addition, it’s been suggested to have some discussion about future topics. I think it would probably be best to start this discussion in a side meeting and then continue in the WG meeting. I think the following topics have been suggested recently:…..>> It looks like Monday morning is better for the side discussion. Please shout if this time is no good for you. I’ve booked the Paris meeting room, 10am-11am (it wasn’t available before /after that). We can always continue the discussion elsewhere. phil From: multipathtcp [mailto:multipathtcp-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf Of philip.eardley@bt.com<mailto:philip.eardley@bt.com> Sent: 06 March 2019 12:59 To: multipathtcp@ietf.org<mailto:multipathtcp@ietf.org> Subject: Re: [multipathtcp] mptcp - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 104 So far we’ve had 3 requests, all by people who’ll be in Prague – no need to repeat those requests, please send any new ones (or requests that I’ve lost):- · Xavier de Foy - "5G Session Continuity Support in MPTCP", draft-defoy-mptcp-5g-session-continuity-support [15mins] · Zhen Cao “MPTCP deployment practices on Huawei smartphones” [20mins] · Jianjian Zhu draft-kang-mptcp-initial-path-selection-00 [10mins] In addition, it’s been suggested to have some discussion about future topics. I think it would probably be best to start this discussion in a side meeting and then continue in the WG meeting. I think the following topics have been suggested recently: · MPTCP schedulers – possible Info or BCP · Role of MPTCP will play in 5G networks (note 3GPP ATSSS has adopted MPTCP & converter protocol nearing completion in tcpm) · Extending MPTCP (on lines of https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.01863 ) · Coupling MPTCP with IPv6 Segment Routing in order to provide a better utilisation of the network resources · A more general topic of “Why we still need MPTCP WG” If I remember, Olivier can only make Wednesday or Friday, it would be very good to have him there. So if we want the discussion before the WG meeting, that means it must be Wed 9am (or over breakfast). Discussion over email before Prague would also be very good. Is Wed 9am OK for people who want to be at the side meeting? Thanks phil From: Yoshifumi Nishida [mailto:nishida@sfc.wide.ad.jp] Sent: 06 March 2019 02:03 To: multipathtcp <multipathtcp@ietf.org<mailto:multipathtcp@ietf.org>> Cc: Eardley,PL,Philip,TUD1 R <philip.eardley@bt.com<mailto:philip.eardley@bt.com>> Subject: Re: mptcp - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 104 Hi, As announced below, we will have a slot on 3/27 (Wednesday) during 11:20-13:20. If you're planning to present something, please provide us the following info. 1: presenter's name 2: title 3: length of the presentation 4: please tell us if this is a remote presentation Thanks, -- Yoshi & Phil On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 1:10 PM "IETF Secretariat" <agenda@ietf.org<mailto:agenda@ietf.org>> wrote: Dear Philip Eardley, The session(s) that you have requested have been scheduled. Below is the scheduled session information followed by the original request. mptcp Session 1 (2:00 requested) Wednesday, 27 March 2019, Morning Session II 1120-1320 Room Name: Karlin 1/2 size: 150 --------------------------------------------- iCalendar: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/104/sessions/mptcp.ics Request Information: --------------------------------------------------------- Working Group Name: Multipath TCP Area Name: Transport Area Session Requester: Philip Eardley Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session(s): 2 Hours Number of Attendees: 80 Conflicts to Avoid: First Priority: tcpm tsvarea tsvwg quic Second Priority: panrg iccrg irtfopen intarea ippm taps dmm Third Priority: maprg icnrg dinrg manet People who must be present: Yoshifumi Nishida Philip Eardley Mirja Kuehlewind Resources Requested: Special Requests: 3rd priority: mrsa bof ---------------------------------------------------------
- [multipathtcp] Reminder: MPTCP side meeting Monda… philip.eardley