[multipathtcp] Two proxy scenario (network proxy off path) - far end connection initiation?

<philip.eardley@bt.com> Wed, 29 March 2017 16:34 UTC

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From: philip.eardley@bt.com
To: multipathtcp@ietf.org
Thread-Topic: Two proxy scenario (network proxy off path) - far end connection initiation?
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Subject: [multipathtcp] Two proxy scenario (network proxy off path) - far end connection initiation?
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<<I'm now thinking about the scenario where there are two proxies, one in the home gateway or Customer Premises Equipment and one in the network, both under the control of the operator. And looking at the 'explicit mode' scenario, which - if I get it right - means that the network proxy is not on the default path. (It's safe to assume that the home gateway proxy is on the default path)>>

In this scenario, do we assume that the TCP connection is always initiated by the endpoint that's behind the home gateway, or do we also handle connections initiated by the other end?  The former is the main case

I couldn't see anything about the latter in the drafts - think I remember some discussion on the list, but I can't find it (please just send a pointer if already resolved)
