[multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath TCP
Olivier Bonaventure <Olivier.Bonaventure@uclouvain.be> Thu, 23 March 2017 14:34 UTC
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Subject: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath TCP
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Hello, The standard timestamp option for TCP is defined in RFC7323. It is widely implemented and used. It has two main objectives : - timing measurements - protection agains wrapped sequence numbers Given the importance of the second utilisation, RFC7323 has mandated the presence of a timestamp option in each segment once negotiated in the three-way handshake. For Multipath TCP, the DSN option already protects us from PAWS problems and it should not be mandatory to include timestamps in each packet sent over a Multipath TCP connection. Given the length of the timestamp and DSN options these two options already consume a large number of bytes and could limit the number of SACK blocks that can be placed inside acknowledgements. I will only be able to attend the Chicago meeting remotely, but I would like to start a discussion on the utilisation of timestamps by Multipath TCP on the list. I see two possibilities, but there are possibly more : 1. Ask for a revision of RFC7323 that allows timestamp options to be optional in packets of Multipath TCP connections 2. Define a new Multipath TCP option to carry timestamps. The utilisation of this option would be included in Multipath TCP and thus no option besides MP_CAPABLE would need to be included in the SYN. Do you have any opinion on these two possibilities ? Thanks Olivier
- [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath TCP Olivier Bonaventure
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Yoshifumi Nishida
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Alan Ford
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Scharf, Michael (Nokia - DE/Stuttgart)
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Olivier Bonaventure
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Christoph Paasch
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Alan Ford
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Olivier Bonaventure
- Re: [multipathtcp] Timestamp option for Multipath… Christoph Paasch