[multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertisement 5/5 - Communities
Fabien Duchêne <fabien.duchene@uclouvain.be> Sun, 06 November 2016 12:31 UTC
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From: Fabien Duchêne <fabien.duchene@uclouvain.be>
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Subject: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertisement 5/5 - Communities
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Hello, As we agreed in Berlin during IETF96, here are a few email to discuss the contributions proposed in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-duchene-mptcp-add-addr/ To allow a host to inform the receiving host about the diversity of several addresses we propose to modify the ADD_ADDR to include 4 bits describing a "Community" associated to this address. The community values are an opaque field and it is expected that two addresses having the same community share some resources. With the community bits, a dual-stack host could elect to regroup all the addresses attached to a single interface under the same community, allowing the receiving host to decide on which advertised addresses it wants to establish new subflows. This is because in the case of a dual-stack host, establishing v4 and V6 subflows is not always the best solution. The idea here is to design a generic solution to regroup the address that shares the same forwarding type in a specific class. Fabien
- [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertisemen… Fabien Duchêne
- Re: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertis… Christoph Paasch
- Re: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertis… Fabien Duchêne
- Re: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertis… Alan Ford
- Re: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertis… Fabien Duchêne
- Re: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertis… Alan Ford
- Re: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertis… Fabien Duchêne
- Re: [multipathtcp] Multipath TCP Address advertis… Fabien Duchêne