Re: [netconf] RFC 6241 Ambiguity

"Jonathan Hansford" <> Wed, 12 June 2019 11:16 UTC

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From: Jonathan Hansford <>
To: Andy Bierman <>, Kent Watsen <>
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Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 11:16:05 +0000
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Subject: Re: [netconf] RFC 6241 Ambiguity
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On 11/06/2019 22:19:05, "Andy Bierman" <> wrote:

>On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 1:16 PM Kent Watsen <> wrote:
>>Hi Andy,
>>So, by exclusion, is it fair to say that you support the NEW 7.8 and 
>>7.9 text?
>They defer to section 8.4 which fine
>>As for the 8.4.1 text, do you agree that there is a disconnect between 
>>what's in 8.4.1 and the description for the 'persist' leaf (e.g., 
>>current text says "the only way to abort a persistent confirmed commit 
>>is to let the timer expire, or to use the <cancel-commit> 
>>operation.").  If so, then a clarifying statement is needed, the only 
>>question is what it is. The choices are:
>>   a)  'persist' MUST span reboots.
>>   b)  'persist' MUST NOT span reboots.
>>   c) ' it is an implementation decision as to if 'persist' spans 
>>Personally, I'm okay with any of these as it seems the primary benefit 
>>for 'persist' is still reaped (i.e., to survive a client-disconnect 
>>that may occur due to the config being committed) and given that most 
>>devices do not need to reboot in order to commit a configuration.
With (c), how does a client know what each server has implemented, and 
how does a server know what each client has implemented? And what if 
your clients and servers have all implemented, say, (a) and then you 
need to add a client or server that has implemented (b)?
>IMO the text most strongly supports (b) [para 6].
>It could be argued that [para 5] supports (a) because a server reboot 
>does cause a session
>termination, but IMO this was not the intent of para 5. It suggests the 
>server is still running
>but the client session is terminated
>[para 5]
>    If the session issuing the confirmed commit is terminated for any
>    reason before the confirm timeout expires, the server MUST restore
>    the configuration to its state before the confirmed commit was
>    issued, unless the confirmed commit also included a <persist>
>    element.
>[para 6]
>        If the device reboots for any reason before the confirm timeout
>    expires, the server MUST restore the configuration to its state
>    before the confirmed commit was issued.
>I think (c) is OK since it not 100% clear what the scope of "unless" is in para 5.
>>That said, some (IoT?) devices may need to reboot in order to apply 
>>any configuration.  If this ability does not support such devices, 
>>then they would never be able to support 'commit confirmed' (with or 
>>without 'persist') and hence may become bricks in some scenarios.  Do 
>>we care?
>>Kent  // contributor
>>>On Jun 4, 2019, at 4:16 PM, Andy Bierman <> wrote:
>>>I prefer to leave the old text in 8.4.1 alone and not change it
>>>I don't agree there is any text to support this significant change in 
>>>server behavior.
>>>An Errata should not make existing implementations non-compliant.
>>>I don't see any text that indicates the original intent was to make a 
>>>confirmed commit
>>>survive a reboot.
>>>If a <persist> parameter is provided by the client session, and then 
>>>that client session
>>>terminates, there is no way for a superuser (or any user) to invoke 
>>>the <cancel-commit>
>>>operation.  The only remedy is to wait for the timeout or reboot the 
>>>If the timeout is long or unknown) then waiting it out may not be a 
>>>good option.
>>>With the new text, rebooting the device does not clear this situation
>>>On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 12:48 PM Mahesh Jethanandani 
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Hi Andy,
>>>>Please provide alternative text in the form of OLD/NEW, if you do 
>>>>not agree with what is being proposed.
>>>>>On Jun 3, 2019, at 8:24 AM, Andy Bierman <> 
>>>>>On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 3:19 PM Mahesh Jethanandani 
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>Several attempts have been made to clarify the role of confirmed 
>>>>>>commit in RFC 6241 vis-a-vis Section 7.8 <close-session> and 
>>>>>>Section 7.9 <kill-session>, and the text in Section 8.4 Confirmed 
>>>>>>Commit Capability.
>>>>>>We, (the chairs) believe that the best way to resolve issues with 
>>>>>>the current set of erratum that already exist or are being 
>>>>>>proposed is to minimize re-explaining the role of confirmed commit 
>>>>>>in both Section 7.8 and 7..9 and defer the explanation to Section 
>>>>>>8.4 of the RFC. With that in mind, we are proposing that Section 
>>>>>>7.8 and 7.9 should ultimately look as follows.. Note, the 
>>>>>>highlights in all the sections are to enable identifying the 
>>>>>>OLD (as in original RFC 6241)
>>>>>>7.8 <>.  
>>>>>>    Description:  Request graceful termination of a NETCONF 
>>>>>>       When a NETCONF server receives a <close-session> request, it 
>>>>>>       gracefully close the session.  The server will release any 
>>>>>>       and resources associated with the session and gracefully 
>>>>>>close any
>>>>>>       associated connections.  Any NETCONF requests received after 
>>>>>>       <close-session> request will be ignored.
>>>>>>    Positive Response:  If the device was able to satisfy the 
>>>>>>request, an
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> is sent that includes an <ok> element.
>>>>>>    Negative Response:  An <rpc-error> element is included in the
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> if the request cannot be completed for any 
>>>>>>    Example:
>>>>>>      <rpc message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <close-session/>
>>>>>>      </rpc>
>>>>>>      <rpc-reply message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <ok/>
>>>>>>      </rpc-reply>
>>>>>>7.8 <>.  
>>>>>>    Description:  Request graceful termination of a NETCONF 
>>>>>>       When a NETCONF server receives a <close-session> request, it 
>>>>>>       gracefully close the session.  The server will release any 
>>>>>>       and resources associated with the session and gracefully 
>>>>>>close any
>>>>>>       associated connections.  Any NETCONF requests received after 
>>>>>>       <close-session> request will be ignored.
>>>>>>       For details on what happens if a NETCONF server receives a
>>>>>>       <close-session> request while processing a confirmed commit,
>>>>>>       please refer to Section 8.4 
>>>>>>    Positive Response:  If the device was able to satisfy the 
>>>>>>request, an
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> is sent that includes an <ok> element.
>>>>>>    Negative Response:  An <rpc-error> element is included in the
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> if the request cannot be completed for any 
>>>>>>    Example:
>>>>>>      <rpc message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <close-session/>
>>>>>>      </rpc>
>>>>>>      <rpc-reply message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <ok/>
>>>>>>      </rpc-reply>
>>>>>>OLD (as in original RFC 6241).
>>>>>>7.9 <>.  
>>>>>>    Description:  Force the termination of a NETCONF session.
>>>>>>       When a NETCONF entity receives a <kill-session> request for 
>>>>>>       open session, it will abort any operations currently in 
>>>>>>       release any locks and resources associated with the session, 
>>>>>>       close any associated connections.
>>>>>>       If a NETCONF server receives a <kill-session> request while
>>>>>>       processing a confirmed commit (Section 8.4 
>>>>>><>), it MUST 
>>>>>>restore the
>>>>>>       configuration to its state before the confirmed commit was 
>>>>>>       Otherwise, the <kill-session> operation does not roll back
>>>>>>       configuration or other device state modifications made by 
>>>>>>       entity holding the lock.
>>>>>>    Parameters:
>>>>>>       session-id:  Session identifier of the NETCONF session to be
>>>>>>          terminated.  If this value is equal to the current 
>>>>>>session ID,
>>>>>>          an "invalid-value" error is returned.
>>>>>>    Positive Response:  If the device was able to satisfy the 
>>>>>>request, an
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> is sent that includes an <ok> element.
>>>>>>    Negative Response:  An <rpc-error> element is included in the
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> if the request cannot be completed for any 
>>>>>>    Example:
>>>>>>      <rpc message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <kill-session>
>>>>>>          <session-id>4</session-id>
>>>>>>        </kill-session>
>>>>>>      </rpc>
>>>>>>      <rpc-reply message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <ok/>
>>>>>>      </rpc-reply>
>>>>>>7.9 <>.  
>>>>>>    Description:  Force the termination of a NETCONF session.
>>>>>>       When a NETCONF entity receives a <kill-session> request for 
>>>>>>       open session, it will abort any operations currently in 
>>>>>>       release any locks and resources associated with the session, 
>>>>>>       close any associated connections.
>>>>>>       For details on what happens if a NETCONF server receives a
>>>>>>       <kill-session> request while processing a confirmed commit,
>>>>>>       please refer to Section 8.4 
>>>>>>       Otherwise, the <kill-session> operation does not roll back
>>>>>>       configuration or other device state modifications made by 
>>>>>>       entity holding the lock.
>>>>>>    Parameters:
>>>>>>       session-id:  Session identifier of the NETCONF session to be
>>>>>>          terminated.  If this value is equal to the current 
>>>>>>session ID,
>>>>>>          an "invalid-value" error is returned.
>>>>>>    Positive Response:  If the device was able to satisfy the 
>>>>>>request, an
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> is sent that includes an <ok> element.
>>>>>>    Negative Response:  An <rpc-error> element is included in the
>>>>>>       <rpc-reply> if the request cannot be completed for any 
>>>>>>    Example:
>>>>>>      <rpc message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <kill-session>
>>>>>>          <session-id>4</session-id>
>>>>>>        </kill-session>
>>>>>>      </rpc>
>>>>>>      <rpc-reply message-id="101"
>>>>>>           xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
>>>>>>        <ok/>
>>>>>>      </rpc-reply>
>>>>>>In addition, the following paragraph in Section 8.4.1 would be 
>>>>>>    If the device reboots for any reason before the confirm timeout
>>>>>>    expires, the server MUST restore the configuration to its state
>>>>>>    before the confirmed commit was issued.
>>>>>>    If the device reboots for any reason before the confirm timeout
>>>>>>    expires, the server MUST restore the configuration to its state
>>>>>>    before the confirmed commit was issued, unless the confirmed 
>>>>>>    also included a <persist> element.
>>>>>I do not agree at all that the original text says or implies that a 
>>>>>server MUST support
>>>>>continuation of a confirmed commit across a reboot.
>>>>>Is that what this new text is meant to convey?
>>>>>The new text could mean that if <persist> was provided that the 
>>>>>server MAY or SHOULD restore the configuration
>>>>>and terminate the confirmed commit procedure.
>>>>>(There is text in multiple places that assumes the reader knows 
>>>>>that restoring the configuration
>>>>>also terminates the CC)
>>>>>>Current Erratums for RFC 6241 will be adjusted to accommodate 
>>>>>>these changes.
>>>>>>Mahesh & Kent (co-chairs)
>>>>>>netconf mailing list
>>>>Mahesh Jethanandani
>>>netconf mailing list

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