[netconf] today's updates to the client-server suite of drafts
Kent Watsen <kent+ietf@watsen.net> Sat, 02 November 2019 20:55 UTC
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The biggest change is in the crypto-types draft, as it continues to try to grapple with the "algorithm" problem. I don't think there is consensus for having distinct "iana-" modules for each type of algorithm yet. For one, if it were a module to be be supported by IANA, one might expect more of a template but, as the algorithm-lists pull from numerous RFCs, how to make a template wasn't clear to me and, besides, having a distinct module for each type of algorithm became a convenient way to define a "config false" list for the algorithms supported by the server. In any case, I offer this update to the WG for discussion. Below are the change logs for each draft. Kent // contributor ===== change logs ===== crypto-types: o Removed all non-essential (to NC/RC) algorithm types. o Moved remaining algorithm types each into its own module. o Added a 'config false' "algorithms-supported" list to each of the algorithm-type modules. trust-anchors (truststore): o Added Henk Birkholz as a co-author (thanks Henk!) o Added PSKs and raw public keys to Truststore. keystore: o Updated YANG module and examples to incorporate the new iana-*-algorithm modules in the crypto-types draft. tcp-client-server o No update. ssh-client-server o Removed unnecessary if-feature statements in the -client and -server modules. o Cleaned up some description statements in the -client and -server modules. o Fixed a canonical ordering issue in ietf-ssh-common detected by new pyang. tls-client-server o Removed unnecessary if-feature statements in the -client and -server modules. o Cleaned up some description statements in the -client and -server modules. o Fixed a canonical ordering issue in ietf-ssh-common detected by new pyang. http-client-server o Removed "protocol-version" leaf in http-client-grouping. netconf-client-server o Added refinement to make "cert-to-name/fingerprint" be mandatory false. o Commented out refinement to "tls-server-grouping/client- authentication" until a better "must" expression is defined. restconf-client-server o Added refinement to make "cert-to-name/fingerprint" be mandatory false. o Commented out refinement to "tls-server-grouping/client- authentication" until a better "must" expression is defined. o Updated restconf-client example to reflect that http-client- grouping no longer has a "protocol-version" leaf.
- [netconf] today's updates to the client-server su… Kent Watsen
- Re: [netconf] today's updates to the client-serve… Martin Bjorklund
- [netconf] missing ietf-truststore module. (was: t… Kent Watsen