[netconf] ietf crypto types - identities

Martin Bjorklund <mbj@tail-f.com> Fri, 03 May 2019 07:20 UTC

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It seems all sec* identities have the same description:

     identity secp192r1 {
       base asymmetric-key-algorithm;
         "The ECDSA algorithm using a NIST P256 Curve.";
         "RFC 6090:
            Fundamental Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithms.";

This I assume should have been "NIST P191 Curve".

Also, it wasn't clear to me by looking at the reference what this
actually means.  I had to google for "secp192r1", which lead me to RFC
5480 which defines the *curve* "secp192r1".  So I wonder if the
reference needs to be updated, and if the name of this identity is
really correct?
