[netconf] Latest ietf-netconf-server draft and related modules

Michal Vaško <mvasko@cesnet.cz> Fri, 05 March 2021 08:10 UTC

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I had a chance to look at these modules again and have 2 questions regarding some recent changes.

- ietf-ssh-server, ssh-server-grouping/client-authentication/supported-authentication-methods

Since the "other" leaf-list was removed there is no way to support some other methods than those specified. I am not sure whether this was the intention and if so, what is the reason for it? If nothing else, we support "interactive" authentication method but there are some others that I see no reason why they could not be used. For a robust and extendible solution, why not use an identityref leaf-list with all the methods as identities? One could then simply add new ones with specific "if-feature" statements.

- ietf-netconf-server, grouping netconf-server-grouping/client-identity-mappings

The "if-feature" on this container is strange. The practical problem is that if one wants to support certificates only for TLS, both one of the TLS features and "ssh-x509-certs" must be enabled. This then results in the container being defined for both SSH and TLS so there is no way to support it only for TLS or SSH.

Thanks for any input.
