[netconf] Re: draft-ietf-netconf-privcand private candidate | <reference-point> precision

Kent Watsen <kent+ietf@watsen.net> Sat, 10 August 2024 16:11 UTC

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Subject: [netconf] Re: draft-ietf-netconf-privcand private candidate | <reference-point> precision
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> On Aug 9, 2024, at 6:27 AM, dylan.sadoun@orange.com wrote:
> Hi
> Quoting
> "The creation-point selection of <reference-point> will provide an output comparing the current private-candidate configuration datastore with the same private-candidate datastore at the time this private-candidate was initially created."
> When the private-candidate is initially created, it is exactly identical to the running configuration, quoting 2.3:
> "The private candidate configuration contains a full copy of the running configuration when it is created". I think it would be great to add this precision here as well.
> I would suggest this formulation:
> "The creation-point selection of <reference-point> will provide an output comparing the current private-candidate configuration datastore with the same private-candidate datastore at the time this private-candidate was initially created (as a full copy of the running configuration)."
> Do you think this needs precision as well?

I don’t think so.  Section 2.3 comes before

That said, I think the very end of the quoted text could be improved as follows:

"The creation-point selection of <reference-point> will provide an output comparing the current private-candidate configuration datastore with the same private-candidate datastore at the time it was created."


> Best regards,
> Dylan Sadoun
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