[netconf] Re: Default statements on udp-client-server groupings

Kent Watsen <kent@watsen.net> Tue, 10 September 2024 16:29 UTC

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> How is this any different than Call Home, which has default port assignments?

Exactly, it seems that UDP-notif should have a port assignment.

> The grouping should not have a default port, but the uses-stmt for the udp-notif service should add one.

The configuration data model for Call Home is in the NC/RC-client-server drafts.  Yes, they “refine” the default as expected.  Here’s an example:

             uses tcpc:tcp-client-grouping {
               refine "remote-port" {
                 default "4336";
                   "The RESTCONF server will attempt to
                    connect to the IANA-assigned well-known
                    port for 'restconf-ch-tls' (4336) if no
                    value is specified.";

	Note that this grouping does NOT refine the “local-port” from
	the tcp-client-grouping, since its default value is fine.

And here is the “base” grouping:

     leaf remote-port {
       type inet:port-number;
       default "0”;                          <--  THIS IS THE LINE BEING CONTESTED 
       description                                    ^— it seems 50/50 if useful, but it doesn’t harm either, does it?
         "The IP port number for the remote peer to establish a
          connection with.  An invalid default value is used
          so that importing modules may 'refine' it with the
          appropriate default port number value.";
     leaf local-port {
       if-feature "local-binding-supported";
       type inet:port-number;
       default "0";                          <—  AND THIS LINE ALSO
       description                                    ^— this seems like a *good* value for all services, e.g., universal behavior
         "The local IP port number to bind to for when connecting
          to the remote peer.  The port number '0', which is the
          default value, indicates that any available local port
          number may be used.";

Kent // contributor