Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues
"Eric Voit (evoit)" <> Wed, 23 May 2018 20:47 UTC
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From: "Eric Voit (evoit)" <>
To: Kent Watsen <>
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Thread-Topic: a couple zerotouch-21 issues
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Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 20:47:45 +0000
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Subject: Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues
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Hi Kent, > Kent Watsen, May 8, 2018 3:25 PM > > A couple Last Call comments were re-raised off-list and, since the draft is still > waiting for shepherd write-up, there's an opportunity (according to the > shepherd/chair) for us to do something if desired. > Here are the issues: > > > 1) should the "zero touch device data model" in Section 8 be normative > or non-normative and, if normative, what should its contents be? > > Please note that a non-normative module allows for the keystore > (or maybe trust-anchors now) reference to be informational, so > this draft won't blocked in the MISREF state for as long as it > takes for those other works to get published. [ps: this draft > also has a normative ref to yang-data-ext, which we thought was > going to be a shoo-in, but now seems to be stalled in NETMOD WG] > > Options: > > a) leave as is (non-normative) > > b) just move the section to an Appendix (still non-normative) > > c) make a tiny normative module, having just the config true > leaf "enabled" and its parent container. (normative, but > avoids the MISREF, but maybe too simple?) > > d) make roughly what's there now be normative (this will cause > this draft to block on those others works in progress). [we > would likely also want to improve it some: perhaps convert > the idevid node to a keystore-reference and also perhaps > make the whole module config true to support pre-staging] > > e) remove it (note, this module was added at the very end via > a Last Call comment. It was essentially thrown into the > draft as an afterthought. It has value, but it's limited.) (a), (b), & (e) all seem reasonable to me. Although if (a) or (b), a fix the single container yang-data question in NETMOD would seem to be needed anyway. Has that been resolved? If not, per the NETMOD yang-data threads, it doesn't seem like the choice in the yang-data is something which is trivial to resolve. If that is the case, it seems like Martin's proposal to do (e) delivers something quickly, which would be helpful. Note: Also in the model, listing "port" within a device model where a transport protocol is known has proven surprisingly controversial. (e) avoids the potential for delays from revisiting that as well. > 2) should the "script" typedef codify any signaling mechanism? > > Currently, the description statement for "typedef script" on page > 34 says: > > No attempt is made to standardize the contents, running > context, or programming language of the script, other than > that it can emit an exit status code and stderr/sdtout. > > And then goes on to describe how positive exit status codes means > "warning" and negative exit status codes means "error" and how the > output can be sent to bootstrap server. > > The idea is to rewrite this text to just talk about "warnings" and > "errors" instead of exit status codes and, likewise, to just > talk about "output" instead of "stderr/stdout" specifically. > > Note: this update seems like common sense to me, and somewhat > editorial, so, I'll plan to make this change unless someone > specifically objects to it. Getting away from actions on the range of error status codes is a good idea within the description, although this might not matter is (e) is chosen above. Eric > Any thoughts, especially with regards to issue #1? > > > Kent // contributor > > > _______________________________________________ > Netconf mailing list > >
- [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Kent Watsen
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Kent Watsen
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Kent Watsen
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Mahesh Jethanandani
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Kent Watsen
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Mahesh Jethanandani
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Eric Voit (evoit)
- Re: [Netconf] a couple zerotouch-21 issues Kent Watsen