[Netconf] Another comments on draft-ietf-netconf-subscribed-notifications-12

"Zhengguangying (Walker)" <zhengguangying@huawei.com> Thu, 14 June 2018 13:00 UTC

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From: "Zhengguangying (Walker)" <zhengguangying@huawei.com>
To: "Eric Voit (evoit)" <evoit@cisco.com>, "alex@clemm.org" <alex@clemm.org>
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Thread-Topic: [Netconf]Another comments on draft-ietf-netconf-subscribed-notifications-12
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Subject: [Netconf] Another comments on draft-ietf-netconf-subscribed-notifications-12
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Hi Eric, Alex,

     In draft-ietf-netconf-subscribed-notifications-12  section "4.  Data Model",  the leafref to filters identifier was defined as a datatype as " typedef stream-filter-ref " , and this detatype are used in "configured-subscription" and " establish-subscription ".
     The issue is, when one does not support "/filters/" and use deviation file to deviate it as "not-supported", the target YANG file will have error when checking with yang tools, it lead to must support  "/filters/", I think it may not good to have this limit.
    One suggestion is not define the leaf ref to filter as a datatype, but use leafref directly when use " leafref " , what's your opinion?

Walker (Guangying)

Error: the node 'filters' from module 'ietf-subscribed-notifications' is not found
  typedef stream-filter-ref {
    type leafref {
      path "/sn:filters/sn:stream-filter/sn:identifier";
      "This type is used to reference an event stream filter.";


    +---x establish-subscription
    |  +---w input
    |  |  +---w encoding?            encoding
    |  |  +---w (target)
    |  |  |  +--:(event-stream)
    |  |  |     +---w stream               stream
    |  |  |     +---w replay-start-time?   yang:date-and-time {replay}?
    |  |  +---w (applied-filter)
    |  |  |  +--:(by-reference)
    |  |  |  |  +---w filter-ref           filter-ref
    |  |  |  +--:(within-subscription)
    |  |  |     +---w (filter-type)?
    |  |  |        +--:(event-filter)
    |  |  |           +---w event-filter-type    event-filter-type
    |  |  |           +---w event-filter         <anyxml>
    |  |  +---w stop-time?           yang:date-and-time

+--rw subscription-config {configured-subscriptions}?
    |  +--rw subscription* [identifier]
    |     +--rw identifier           subscription-id
    |     +--rw encoding?            encoding
    |     +--rw (target)
    |     |  +--:(event-stream)
    |     |     +--rw stream               stream
    |     +--rw (applied-filter)
    |     |  +--:(by-reference)
    |     |  |  +--rw filter-ref           filter-ref
    |     |  +--:(within-subscription)
    |     |     +--rw (filter-type)?
    |     |        +--:(event-filter)
    |     |           +--rw event-filter-type    event-filter-type
    |     |           +--rw event-filter         <anyxml>
    |     +--rw stop-time?           yang:date-and-time
    |     +--rw receivers