[netconf] comments on pagination drafts
Andy Bierman <andy@yumaworks.com> Thu, 31 October 2024 21:34 UTC
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From: Andy Bierman <andy@yumaworks.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 14:33:54 -0700
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Subject: [netconf] comments on pagination drafts
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Hi, I am trying to understand some of the pagination details and some parts are unclear or problematic. 1) groupings There are groupings for each parameter, then another using all of them. Are the individual groupings used anywhere? There are dependencies between parameters so it is unclear what the intended reuse is here. This has been mentioned but adding "-grouping" to most grouping names is too verbose. 2) conformance It looks like all parameters are MUST implement for NETCONF, but all parameters are optional in RESTCONF. Why are capabilities needed in RESTCONF? IMO the mandatory parameters should be implementable by streaming servers. NETCONF devices are not application databases. The following parameters can be supported by a streaming server: - where - offset - cursor - limit - sublist-limit The following parameters cannot be supported by a streaming server: IMO these should have an if-feature. - sort-by - locale - direction 3) document structure IMO these 3 drafts should be combined so it is easier to read and there are less inconsistencies between RFCs that are this tightly coupled. The YANG model is missing some of the info in sec 3.1. YANG automation tools do not see the ad-hoc text in sec 3.1. This section should be removed or replaced with a short summary, and the details put into the YANG module. 4) cursor The text in 3.1.6 says: The allowed values are base64 encoded positions interpreted by the server to index an element in the list, The YANG module shows type 'string'. So the values are anything a string supports. Our experience has shown that exposing binary64 string to humans is very error-prone and difficult to debug. They are a great way to invite data injection attacks as well. I guess a list with multiple keys is supposed to be encoded in some proprietary way to pack N leafs into 1 leaf? YANG has 'anydata' to avoid this bad practice. IMO the cursor should be anydata, not a base64 string. 5) metadata There are a lot of attributes mixed in with the data being returned. This does not work well if the code handling the iteration control is not the same as the code processing the list data. IMO any data that needs to be returned should be proper YANG objects. You can augment the output of those RPCs, not just the input. 6) leaf-list pagination Nobody has ever asked us for this feature. Are there any examples of leaf-lists so large that they need pagination? Usually a client wants to retrieve all the leaf-list instances at once. Andy
- [netconf] comments on pagination drafts Andy Bierman
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Per Andersson
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Per Andersson
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Andy Bierman
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Andy Bierman
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Andy Bierman
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Per Andersson
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Andy Bierman
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Per Andersson
- [netconf] Re: comments on pagination drafts Andy Bierman