Re: [netext] about the mMAG draft, and network mobility for PMIP
"Seil Jeon" <> Tue, 06 November 2012 13:20 UTC
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Subject: Re: [netext] about the mMAG draft, and network mobility for PMIP
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Hi Alex, Thanks for your comment. Please see [Seil] inline. Regards, Seil -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Alexandru Petrescu Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 10:02 PM To: Subject: [netext] about the mMAG draft, and network mobility for PMIP I wanted to say at the mic. I read this mMAG draft. I also read the netext wg ig pmip prefix delegation. Additioally, I co-authored another draft about pmip and network mobility. I think overall we may have an issue here about the lack of a problemm statement draft for pmip network mobility. I do not consider it blocking but it does backfire a bit here, if I can say so. One interesting aspect of mMAG (other than that it can work) is that it does not use DHCP at all. You Raj asked which operator would be interested in this mMAG concept - well any which does not implement DHCP-PD today, and there are many I think. [Seil] As I told after the meeting, PMIPv6 specified stateless IP address configuration, right? And I believe we don't need to limit IP address configuration method with DHCP only in network mobility, even on business model. Main issue, in operator perspective, would not be the use of DHCP or not but how to arrange NEMO concept aligned with existing PMIPv6 protocol. One differentiating advantageous aspect in the netext wg item pmip prefix delegation is that it delegates a v6 as well as a v4 prefix. But it has the inconvenient of requiring mandatorily the GRE encapsulation (other kind sof encapsulaiton exist as well. Alex _______________________________________________ netext mailing list
- [netext] about the mMAG draft, and network mobili… Alexandru Petrescu
- Re: [netext] about the mMAG draft, and network mo… Seil Jeon
- Re: [netext] about the mMAG draft, and network mo… Alexandru Petrescu