[netext] Draft agenda of the WG meeting at IETF85

Basavaraj Patil <bpatil1@gmail.com> Tue, 23 October 2012 23:05 UTC

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Please find below the draft agenda. If I have missed any requests for a
timeslot, please do send me a note.


Rev: 0

Network-Based Mobility Extensions (NetExt) WG meeting

Monday, November 5th, 2012
1520-1720 Afternoon Session II (Salon B)


1. Logistics (Bluesheets, minutes takers, jabber, agenda bashing) 5 mins

2. WG Status update  Chairs    5 Mins

3. Proxy Mobile IPv6 Extensions to Support Flow Mobility  10 Mins
   I-D: draft-ietf-netext-pmipv6-flowmob  CJ Bernardos

4. Prefix Delegation for Proxy Mobile IPv6  5 Mins
   I-D: draft-ietf-netext-pd-pmip  Carl Williams

5. Quality of Service Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6  15 Mins
   I-D:draft-ietf-netext-pmip6-qos             M. Liebsch

6. Network Mobility Support using Mobile MAG in PMIP6 domain   20 Mins
   I-D: draft-sijeon-netext-mmag-pmip-00.txt            Seil Jeon

7. MN Status Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6  10 Mins
   I-D: draft-tu-netext-mn-status-option-02  Carl Williams

8. Mapping PMIP Quality of Service in WiFi Network  10 Mins
   I-D: draft-kaippallimalil-netext-pmip-qos-wifi-01     J. Kaipallimalli

9. Summary and Next Steps 5 Mins Chairs