[netext] Additional comments for mMAG presentation

"Seil Jeon" <seiljeon@av.it.pt> Tue, 06 November 2012 13:28 UTC

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Hi folks,


On the mMAG presentation in the meeting, I think allocated slot might not be
enough to have full discussion.

Let me give explanation about the substance of mMAG proposed in our slide


As I presented, the mMAG is 'SEEN' as one of MNs in MAG perspective but this
is not a 'MN' like mobile device you simply have. That is a 'ROUTER' managed
by the operators. So you can imagine same level of security association
between mMAG and LMA as the MAG and LMA has.


And this use case and the need are usually reasonable when considering real
deployment. Of course, we will update this use case of NEMO in next version.
But I think the need or the use case has implicitly been assumed in prefix
delegation WG draft, right?


