[netext] draft-ietf-netext-pmipv6-flowmob-04

Behcet Sarikaya <sarikaya2012@gmail.com> Fri, 24 August 2012 21:13 UTC

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Subject: [netext] draft-ietf-netext-pmipv6-flowmob-04
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Hi Carlos,

I have questions on Section 3.2.1. on MN sharing a common set of
prefixes on all MAGs.

I don't understand why this is related to flow mobility but not prefix
allocation policy.
In Fig. 2, you consider flow Y to pref1::mn1 on if2

and then you move flow Y to if1. I am confused about the figure. How
come pref1::mn1 and pref1::mn1 stays the same? What is mn1? Is it the
Do you assume that both if1 and if2 have the same iid? How could this
be possible? Secondly you did not mention this assumption.

I think that if2 should be referred to as mn2 then the situation will
be clear, i.e. moving flows between two different interfaces with
different addresses, so this case is not any different than the cases
you have in Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3.

You  explain in this section that some flow mobility update action (?)
happens in both LMA and MN and the flow is magically moved. Even if we
assume what you have is correct this case does not deserve any mention
in the draft, i.e. there is no observable action to specify.

I have more coming up later.

