Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications
<> Tue, 13 November 2012 16:12 UTC
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Hi, My answer to the question: Should the Netext WG adopt I-D: draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications as a working group document?: Yes: [ X ] BR , Pierrick De : [] De la part de Basavaraj Patil Envoyé : mardi 13 novembre 2012 04:12 À : Cc : Objet : [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications The I-D : Update Notifications for Proxy Mobile IPv6 <draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications> was presented at the WG meeting at IETF85 (Atlanta). There was consensus in the room to adopt this I-D as a WG document (11 in favor of, None against). Please treat this as a consensus call for adopting this I-D as a WG document. Question: Should the Netext WG adopt I-D: draft-krishnan-netext-update-notifications as a working group document? Yes: [ ] No : [ ] Some background info: The 3GPP liaison to the IETF has indicated the relevance of this I-D to their specifications and is awaiting feedback from the AD and the chairs about its status. Abstract Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) is a network based mobility management protocol that enables IP mobility for a host without requiring its participation in any mobility-related signaling. This document proposes a mechanism for the Local Mobility Anchor to asynchronously notify the Mobile Access Gateway about changes related to the mobility session. This consensus call will expire on November 26th, 2012. -Chairs _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, France Telecom - Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, France Telecom - Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you.
- [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-krishnan… Basavaraj Patil
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… pierrick.seite
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Sri Gundavelli (sgundave)
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Carl Williams
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Hidetoshi Yokota
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… John Kaippallimalil
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Hui Deng
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… jouni korhonen
- [netext] 答复: Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… tu.yangwei
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Behcet Sarikaya
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Marco Liebsch
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Dirk.von-Hugo
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Behcet Sarikaya
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Brian Haberman
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Behcet Sarikaya
- Re: [netext] [neatest] Consensus call: Adopt I-D … Ahmad Muhanna
- Re: [netext] Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… Seil Jeon
- [netext] 答复: Consensus call: Adopt I-D draft-kris… luo.wen
- Re: [netext] [neatest] Consensus call: Adopt I-D … Brian Haberman
- Re: [netext] [neatest] Consensus call: Adopt I-D … Suresh Krishnan
- Re: [netext] [neatest] Consensus call: Adopt I-D … Ahmad Muhanna
- Re: [netext] [neatest] Consensus call: Adopt I-D … Ahmad Muhanna