[Nethistory] 31st Birthday of the World Wide Web
Guntur Wiseno Putra <gsenopu@gmail.com> Sat, 14 March 2020 14:24 UTC
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From: Guntur Wiseno Putra <gsenopu@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2020 21:24:40 +0700
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To: Dan York <york@isoc.org>, public-webhistory@w3.org, nethistory@ietf.org
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Subject: [Nethistory] 31st Birthday of the World Wide Web
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Dear Dan York, public-webhistory, nethistory, >From the page www.w3.org I have just accessed minutes ago Join us in celebrating the 31st birthday of the World Wide Web 12 March 2020 | Archive <https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/8378> [image: Tim Berners-Lee quote: The Web is humanity connected by technology.] <http://www.w3.org/comm/assets/graphics/tim-webquote.png>In March 1989 *Sir Tim Berners-Lee wrote “Information Management: A Proposal <https://www.w3.org/History/1989/proposal.html>” and with that quiet act launched an idea, the World Wide Web*, that has changed our lives forever. The Web was envisioned by Tim as a global information-sharing space that would connect people and encourage understanding and sharing of knowledge. It is now an indispensable, exciting and, in some cases a vital global commons. We are incredibly grateful to our Director, Tim Berners-Lee, for the invention of the Web, for founding the World Wide Web Consortium, for all his work to keep the Web open, international, accessible, and for his decades of inspiration to so many of us. For 25 years, the Web Consortium has developed the foundational technical standards upon which the Web has flourished. Please read more about our values in our blog post <https://www.w3.org/blog/2020/03/happy-31st-birthday-world-wide-web/>. If you are part of our community, helping to develop technologies for the web with the Web Consortium, *thank you*. Let others know that the Web was made to work for everyone. Let your family and friends know why your work at the Web Consortium –*to make a web for all*– matters. Thank you again, Tim! Happy Birthday, World Wide Web! Let’s all keep doing our part to keep making the Web and the world better. *The Web Consortium: making the web work, for everyone.* Note: The event of anniversary reminds me about Dan York's article in the Internet Society a year ago I forwarded to public-webhistory@w3.org: https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2019/03/celebrating-the-30th-anniversary-of-the-world-wide-web/ https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webhistory/2020Feb/0004.html Regard, Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [Nethistory] 31st Birthday of the World Wide Web Guntur Wiseno Putra