Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governance, Technical Work and Net History: A Speci
Joe Abley <> Fri, 26 April 2019 02:43 UTC
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Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 22:43:51 -0400
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Subject: Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governance, Technical Work and Net History: A Speci
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Guntur, You are to be congratulated indeed. Not since the heyday of such practitioners as Dr Joe Baptista and Dean Anderson have I seen such a skilful exposition. Joe On Apr 25, 2019, at 06:23, Guntur Wiseno Putra <> wrote: Dear All John, Hesham and All, What are after such an "introductory" reading --such a grand image, such a grand map...? -on the Internet architecture and governance...? as we are trying to learn of those aspects by such reading with the help of a set of knowledges on concept, discourse and history...? Histories, historical stories, attempted above teach us: people struggled by technology. At least we have an "enthusiasm" for what will come up tomorrow, especially about our humanity and society regarding with possibilities of the Internet as a kind of communication platform --especially on aspects of it: architecture and governance... But, there are perhaps lacks with these analytical readings --those design and implementation-- being attempted... Here thus experts may come with their suggestions... Regard, Guntur Wiseno Putra Pada Kamis, 25 April 2019, Hesham ElBakoury <> menulis: > I actually have the same question ... > > -----Original Message----- > From: John C Klensin [] > Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 12:36 AM > To: Guntur Wiseno Putra <> > Cc: Hesham ElBakoury <>; >;; > > Subject: Re: [Internetgovtech] The Internet, Architecture, Governance, > Technical Work and Net History: A Speci > > Guntur, > > I've tried to following your multiple postings, but am getting more and > more confused. Yes, there are some broad principles that can be considered > together to constitute an "Internet architecture". Once one gets past > extremely broad principles and down to details, I doubt that there is > strong consensus in the community about many of the details of that > architecture: > there are other documents with different theories and some people would > claim that some of the things that are said in some of the documents you > have cited have not stood the test of time. > Some of those principles interact with "Internet governance"; many, > including questions about who should be in charge of various resources once > one determines that someone, or some combination of actors, actually need > to be, do not. The mailing lists you are using are appropriate for > discussions of those issues although I think the case for cross-posting to > internetgovtech and architecture-discuss, much less the nethistory list, > has yet to be made. > > But what I don't understand --and what is confusing me more with each > posting from you-- is why you are posting these notes and > what you are trying to accomplish. Almost by definition, the > readers of these lists know they exist and are out there. Most such > readers know, or knew once, what the lists are supposed to be for. But > almost everything I've read from you seems to be an explanation of the > existence of an Internet architecture and/ or an Internet governance topic > together with the existence and availability of the lists. > > Do you want something? Do you intend to try to explain something to us > that we don't know already? If so, is that explanation likely to be > actionable by the IETF or IAB and, if so, how. And, of course, what is it? > > thanks, > john > > > --On Thursday, April 25, 2019 08:16 +0700 Guntur Wiseno Putra < >> wrote: > > > Dear All, > > > > The Internet architecture --the Internet protocols and their > > designs-- are in situations among which is about its possible > > inplementations enabled by such a governance(s). That is supposedly a > > matter of the Internet Governance suitable with what was ever > > officially published by the Internet Architecture Board related with > > the release of mailing list (2013) > > > > "to discuss topics regarding the intersection of Internet governance > > and IETF technical work. In particular, this list will focus on issues > > relating to Internet governance and regulation, including the 2014 ITU > > Plenipotentiary Conference, and their potential to impact the future > > of the Internet architecture". > > > > > > > > Regard, > > Guntur Wiseno Putra > > > > Pada Kamis, 25 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <> > > menulis: > > > >> Dear All, > >> > >> D. Thaler in his "Evolution of the IP Model" (RFC 6250) referring IP > >> service model to section 2.2. of RFC 0791, RFC 1958, and section 2..1 > >> of RFC 4903 --while the document as a whole referring also to other > >> RFCs. > >> > >> There are also other historians and futurologs ever analysed the > >> Internet architecture examplified by > >> > >> RFC 3274 "The Rise of the Middle and the Future of End-to-End > >> Argument: Reflections on the Evolution of the Internet Architecture" > >> (Kempf, J. & R. Austen Eds., Network Working Group-IAB, 2004) > >> > >> This document examined the development of end-to-end principles as it > >> had been applied by the Internet over years. > >> > >> > >> > >> RFC 1827 "Toward The Future Internet Architecture" (Clark, D. > >> et all., Network Working Group, 1991) > >> > >> This document represented an understanding that the Internet > >> architecture as "the grand plan behind the TCP/IP protocol suite" > >> envisioned its possible evolution as there had been increasing signs > >> of strains on the fundemental architecture mostly stemming from the > >> continued growth of the Internet. > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> Regard, > >> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >> > >> Pada Rabu, 24 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <> > >> menulis: > >> > >>> Dear All, > >>> > >>> The reasoning of "The Internet, Architecture, Governance, Technical > >>> Work, and Net History" I said above "Individuals, or collective > >>> individuals, are in an age of the > >>> Internet...": as it concerns with "concept", "discourse" and > >>> "history" is supposedly inspired by my personal experiences of > >>> reading works on and by Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix > >>> Guattari. > >>> > >>> To those have interests with the "supposed inspiration" are pleased > >>> to visit these links below > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> Regard, > >>> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>> > >>> Pada Rabu, 24 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <> > >>> menulis: > >>> > >>>> Dear All, > >>>> > >>>> The websites and are > >>>> historians for the services of historical archives the provide. > >>>> While a personal historian may deserve to mention, especially on > >>>> the "Internet > >>>> Architecture": > >>>> > >>>> D. Thaler documented aspects of Internet Protocol service model as > >>>> they evolved over time .... Some guidence for protocol designers an > >>>> implementers were also suggested... > >>>> > >>>> "RFC 6250: Evolution of IP Service Model" (IAB, May 2011) > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> Regard, > >>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>> > >>>> Pada Selasa, 23 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <> > >>>> menulis: > >>>> > >>>>> Dear All, > >>>>> > >>>>> As Brian E. Carpenter referred the "Internet Architecture" > >>>>> to Internet protocols and their designs (mentioned in my message > >>>>> April 21st 2019): it looks "special" to mention "RFC 791: Internet > >>>>> Protocol" (J. Postel, September 1981) and its histories -- those > >>>>> obsolete and updates: which is about the name/title "Internet > >>>>> Protocol" they have... > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> The RFC 791 is one of Official Internet Protocol > >>>>> Standards: Internet Standards --of which there are ones do not use > >>>>> terms "Internet Protocol" -- for examples "Transmission Control > >>>>> Protocol", "User Datagram Protocol", " Broadcasting Internet > >>>>> Datagrams"... > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> Regard, > >>>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>> > >>>>> Pada Selasa, 23 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>> < <>> menulis: > >>>>> > >>>>>> Dear All, > >>>>>> > >>>>>> As Brian E. Carpenter referred the "Internet Architecture" to > >>>>>> Internet protocols and their designs (mentioned in my message > >>>>>> April 21st 2019): it looks "special" to mention "RFC 791: > >>>>>> Internet Protocol" (J. > >>>>>> Postel, September 1981) and its histories -- those obsolete and > >>>>>> updates: which is about the name/title "Internet Protocol" they > >>>>>> have.... > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Regard, > >>>>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Pada Selasa, 23 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>> <> menulis: > >>>>>> > >>>>>>> Dear Hesham and All, > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> There is a need for correction for the earlier message: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> The update "The Architectural Guidelines" (2002) --which I > >>>>>>> missed before-- was made to propose such an extension of > >>>>>>> "Architectural Principles of the Internet" (1996) as the latter > >>>>>>> considered complexity (control) in relation with the Internet in > >>>>>>> large scale... > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> It should be: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> The update "The Architectural Guidelines" (2002) --which I > >>>>>>> missed before-- was made to propose such an extension of > >>>>>>> "Architectural Principles of the Internet" (1996) as the first > >>>>>>> considered complexity (control) in relation with the Internet in > >>>>>>> large scale... > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Regard, > >>>>>>> Gintur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> Pada Selasa, 23 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>>> <> menulis: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Dear Hesham and All, > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> The update "The Architectural Guidelines" (2002) --which I > >>>>>>>> missed before-- was made to propose such an extension of > >>>>>>>> "Architectural Principles of the Internet" > >>>>>>>> (1996) as the latter considered complexity (control) in > >>>>>>>> relation with the Internet in large scale.... > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Regard, > >>>>>>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Pada Senin, 22 April 2019, Hesham ElBakoury < > >>>>>>>>> menulis: > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> I think you meant RFC1958 which is updated by RFC3439. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Hesham > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> *From:* Architecture-discuss > >>>>>>>>> [mailto:architecture-discuss-b] *On Behalf Of > >>>>>>>>> *Guntur Wiseno Putra *Sent:* Monday, April 22, 2019 6:41 AM > >>>>>>>>> *To:*;; > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [arch-d] The Internet, Architecture, Governance, > >>>>>>>>> Technical Work and Net History: A Speci > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Dear All, > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Of the question "What is the Internet Architecture?" > >>>>>>>>> mentioned in the earlier message: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Brian. E. Carpenter's text "RFC 1985: Architectural Principles > >>>>>>>>> of the Internet" mentioned about Internet protocols and their > >>>>>>>>> design: May this links helpful to get arrived there at related > >>>>>>>>> archives ( as the text did not use any online source but > >>>>>>>>> suppposedly paper ones as references)....: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> - > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> - > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Here are menus "Internet Standard", "Official > >>>>>>>>> Internet Protocol Standards", and "advanced search". > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Regard, > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Pada Senin, 22 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>>>>> <> menulis: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Dear All, > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Individuals, or collectifs of individuals, are in an age of > >>>>>>>>> the Internet. It is such a presence may be approached and > >>>>>>>>> sensed by many ways --even when one said that s/he had just > >>>>>>>>> eat a food which a receipt was gotten by communicating by the > >>>>>>>>> Internet.. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Among others there are presences of "the Internet > >>>>>>>>> Architecture", "Internet Governance and Technical Work" and > >>>>>>>>> "Net History" as they represent interest-based mailing lists. > >>>>>>>>> How could one get arrived into those matters (together) --such > >>>>>>>>> a programmatic readership/learning: as sources and concepts > >>>>>>>>> have history and discources collectives/net... ? Should we > >>>>>>>>> imagine about information sources by making such a readership > >>>>>>>>> based on the linkage between the three....? Thus we may say > >>>>>>>>> about "The Internet Architecture, Governance and Technical > >>>>>>>>> Works: a Net History" (to say "A Net History in Terms of The > >>>>>>>>> Internet Architecture, Governance and Technical Work)...? > >>>>>>>>> --there would be a discourse map on the special readership > >>>>>>>>> which is about a co-presence of mailing lists...? --as one may > >>>>>>>>> use search engines of each mailing list for related > >>>>>>>>> interests...? > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> To make an engagement with the programme should we go with > >>>>>>>>> such tentative journeys considering parts of the special > >>>>>>>>> readership...? > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> For example: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> By considering the reasoning above: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> To the question on "What is the Internet Architecture?" we may > >>>>>>>>> refer to (archival) sources > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> "RFC 1958: Architectural Principles of the Internet" > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> (Carpenter, Brian E. Ed, IAB, 1996) > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> (Note:) > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> It was a snapshot record of the principles of the Internet > >>>>>>>>> Achitecture intended for general guidance and general > >>>>>>>>> interest... > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> It was updated by RFC 3439... > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Both the concept "Internet Architecture" and the document RFC > >>>>>>>>> 1958 have history bringing readers to other relevant > >>>>>>>>> sources... They supposedly also give suggestions to come to > >>>>>>>>> broader or other conceptual discourses on "governance and > >>>>>>>>> technical work" > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Regard, > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> Guntur Wiseno Putra > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> > > > > > _______________________________________________ Nethistory mailing list
- [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governan… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governan… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] [arch-d] The Internet, Architect… Hesham ElBakoury
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governan… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governan… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governan… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Governan… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] [Internetgovtech] The Internet, … John C Klensin
- Re: [Nethistory] [Internetgovtech] The Internet, … Hesham ElBakoury
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… John C Klensin
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Joe Abley
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Joe Abley
- Re: [Nethistory] [arch-d] [Internetgovtech] The I… giorgio.simeoli
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [Nethistory] The Internet, Architecture, Gove… Guntur Wiseno Putra