[netmod] Open source filtering code?
Christian Hopps <chopps@chopps.org> Sat, 24 February 2018 19:35 UTC
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Subject: [netmod] Open source filtering code?
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I've developed a basic python based netconf server and client (https://github.com/choppsv1/netconf) but it currently lacks any decent filtering capability. I was wondering can anyone point me at any open source (or way to use open source) that implements netconf/yang subtree/xpath filtering? For this project something simple that takes a result and prunes it down would probably work OK. FWIW I looked at lxml and xpath thinking that I could translate subtree filters to xpath first and then use xpath; however, lxml xpath is not really designed to support returning results from the root of the tree. Failing to find anything else I'll probably try and make that work anyway. Thanks, Chris.
- [netmod] Open source filtering code? Christian Hopps
- Re: [netmod] Open source filtering code? Christian Hopps
- Re: [netmod] [Netconf] Open source filtering code? Mikael Abrahamsson
- Re: [netmod] [Netconf] Open source filtering code? Radek Krejčí