[netmod] mbj's WGLC review of module-tags-02
Martin Bjorklund <mbj@tail-f.com> Tue, 16 October 2018 14:20 UTC
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Hi, Here are my (mostly editorial) WGLC comments on draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags-02: o add boilerplate reference to RFC 8340 o 2 Use 8174 boilerplate o 4.1 A module definition SHOULD indicate a set of tags to be automatically added by the module implementer. I think statement doesn't belong here, but rather to section 7 (which also has this statement already) And how are the tags supposed to be "automatically added"? As I have written in previous discussions, and others as well, I think that you should define a YANG extension that can be used to define the tags, instead of relying on description statements. Is there a reason why you think an extension statement wouldn't work? o 4.1 OLD: If the module definition will be standard the tags MUST also be standard tags (Section 3.1). NEW: If the module definition will be IETF standards track, the tags MUST also be IETF standard tags (Section 3.1). o 4.3 Implementations MUST ensure that a modules tag list is consistent across any location from which the list is accessible. So if a user adds a tag through configuration that tag should also be seen when using any augmentation that exposes the modules tag list. I don't understand the last sentence. What kind of augmentation do you mean? o 5.1 OLD: The tree associated with the tags module is: NEW: The tree associated with the "ietf-module-tags" module is: o 5.1 I know this has been discussed before, and Juergen wanted plural names, but I propose the following structure: +--rw module-tags +--rw module* [name] +--rw name yang:yang-identifier +--rw tag* string +--rw masked-tag* string I prefer a container an the top level over a list. Also with the list called "module", the key can be called just "name". And leaf-lists (and lists) usually have names in singular. o 5.2 I think the YANG version should be 1.1. Add the standard boilerplate to the YANG module. o 5.2 leaf name "The YANG module or submodule name."; Do we really want to attach tags to submodules, or should the tags only be visisble for the module? o 5.2 type for tag leaf-list tag { type string; Can I use *any* string as a tag? No limitations at all? Is ":" special in a tag? o 5.2 The module should be consistently formatted wrt whitespaces. (e.g., you can try pyang --keep-comments -f yang) o 6 s/yang/YANG/ o 6 and 3.3 When I read 3.3 I thought that the word "local" seemed odd, and was going to suggest "user" instead. It seems 8199 also uses standard/vendor/user. So, I suggest we change "local tags" to "user tags". o 7.1 The module writer may use existing standard tags, or use new tags defined in the model definition, as appropriate. New tags should be assigned in the IANA registry defined below, see Section 8.2 below. Hmm, once the "new" tags are defined, they are IETF standard tags, right? So this text should really be: The module writer must use only IETF standard tags and also write that if new tags are needed, they MUST be registered. o 8.2 Remove the Editor's note. o 8.2 Why have both ietf:rfc8199:service and ietf:network-service? o References You need to add RFC 7950 as a normative ref since you define a YANG module. /martin
- [netmod] mbj's WGLC review of module-tags-02 Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [netmod] mbj's WGLC review of module-tags-02 Christian Hopps