Re: [netmod] Closing this issue: choice/case in tree diagrams (draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams-06)

Benoit Claise <> Sat, 10 March 2018 09:06 UTC

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From: Benoit Claise <>
To: Juergen Schoenwaelder <>, Martin Bjorklund <>,, IETF-Discussion list <>
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Subject: Re: [netmod] Closing this issue: choice/case in tree diagrams (draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams-06)
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Thanks all.
This issue is closed and we will apply this change right now, part of 
the AUTH48 process.

Regards, Benoit
> Dear all,
> The document draft-ietf-netmod-yang-tree-diagrams-06 is in AUTH48.
> It's time to close this issue, let me copy
> If you object to the change below, let me know before the end of the 
> week.
> The changes are to the text, so that the text is adapted to what the 
> tools do.  No need to change the examples, or tooling.
> OLD:
>            <flags> is one of:
>            rw  for configuration data
>            ro  for non-configuration data, output parameters to rpcs
>                and actions, and notification parameters
>            -w  for input parameters to rpcs and actions
>            -u  for uses of a grouping
>            -x  for rpcs and actions
>            -n  for notifications
>            mp  for nodes containing a "mount-point" extension statement
>   NEW:
>            <flags> is one of:
>            rw  for configuration data- and choice nodes
>            ro  for non-configuration data- and choice nodes,
>                output parameters to rpcs and actions, and
>                notification parameters
>            -w  for input parameters to rpcs and actions
>            -u  for uses of a grouping
>            -x  for rpcs and actions
>            -n  for notifications
>            mp  for nodes containing a "mount-point" extension statement
>              case nodes do not have any <flags>.
> and
> OLD:
>      <name> is the name of the node
>        (<name>) means that the node is a choice node
>       :(<name>) means that the node is a case node
>        If the node is augmented into the tree from another module,
>        its name is printed as <prefix>:<name>, where <prefix> is the
>        prefix defined in the module where the node is defined.
> NEW:
>      <name> is the name of the node
>        (<name>) means that the node is a choice node
>       :(<name>) means that the node is a case node
>        If the node is augmented into the tree from another module,
>        its name is printed as <prefix>:<name>, where <prefix> is the
>        prefix defined in the module where the node is defined.
>        If the node is a case node, there is no space before the
>        <name>.
> Regards, Benoit
>> Juergen Schoenwaelder <> writes:
>>> On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 10:44:11AM +0100, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
>>>> OLD:
>>>>         <flags> is one of:
>>>>           rw  for configuration data
>>>>           ro  for non-configuration data, output parameters to rpcs
>>>>               and actions, and notification parameters
>>>>           -w  for input parameters to rpcs and actions
>>>>           -u  for uses of a grouping
>>>>           -x  for rpcs and actions
>>>>           -n  for notifications
>>>>           mp  for nodes containing a "mount-point" extension statement
>>>> NEW:
>>>>         <flags> is one of:
>>>>           rw  for configuration data
>>>>           ro  for non-configuration data, output parameters to rpcs
>>>>               and actions, and notification parameters
>>>>           -w  for input parameters to rpcs and actions
>>>>           -u  for uses of a grouping
>>>>           -x  for rpcs and actions
>>>>           -n  for notifications
>>>>           mp  for nodes containing a "mount-point" extension statement
>>>>           case nodes do not have any <flags>.
>>> I still think that it should be 'data node' instead of just
>>> 'data'. While not formally imported, the term 'data node' has a
>>> definition in RFC 7950.
>>> NEWER:
>>>          <flags> is one of:
>>>            rw  for configuration data nodes
>> If we keep it also for choices, then it has to be "schema nodes".
>>>            ro  for non-configuration data nodes, output parameters 
>>> to rpcs
>>>                and actions, and notification parameters
>> Same here.
>> Lada
>>>            -w  for input parameters to rpcs and actions
>>>            -u  for uses of a grouping
>>>            -x  for rpcs and actions
>>>            -n  for notifications
>>>            mp  for nodes containing a "mount-point" extension statement
>>>            case nodes do not have any <flags>.
>>>   /js
>>> -- 
>>> Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
>>> Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
>>> Fax:   +49 421 200 3103 <>
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