[netmod] Re: Yangdoctors last call review of draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6991-bis-16

Jürgen Schönwälder <jschoenwaelder@constructor.university> Mon, 21 October 2024 11:30 UTC

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From: Jürgen Schönwälder <jschoenwaelder@constructor.university>
To: Martin Björklund <mbj+ietf@4668.se>
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Thanks for the review Martin. See my responses inline...

On Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 07:33:39AM -0700, Martin Björklund via Datatracker wrote:
> Reviewer: Martin Björklund
> Review result: Ready with Nits
> Here is my YANG doctor's review of draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6991-bis-16.  
> o  typedef email-address
>   The domain part of "email-address" is different from the type
>   "domain-name".  This looks a bit odd.  If special characters can
>   occur in the domain part of an email address, one would assume that
>   they can occur in a domain name as well.

Email addresses are more complex than just <label@domain-name>. We
meanwhile also received a review suggesting that we support
internationalized email addresses and this likely means u-labels in
the domain name part instead of a-labels we use in the domain-name
type. As a consequence, I believe that capturing all details of valid
email addresses precisely in a regular expression is a flawed idea as
this leads to super complex regular expressions that are hard to get
right (for the interested readers, check our "How can I validate an
email address using a regular expression?" on stack overflow. So I
will revert to a rather course grained regular expression. I will
share more details in my response to the Artart review.
> o  typedef protocol-number
>      "The protocol-number type represents an 8-bit Internet
>       protocol number, carried in the 'protocol' field of the
>       IPv4 header or in the 'next header' field of the IPv6
>       header. If IPv6 extension headers are present, then the
>       protocol number type represents the upper layer protocol
>       number, i.e., the number of the last next header' field
>                                          ^^^ ' missing
>       of the IPv6 extension headers.

Fixed in my sources.
> o  typedef ipv6-address-and-prefix
>      "The ipv6-address-and-prefix type represents an IPv6
>       address and an associated ipv4 prefix.
>    s/ipv4 prefix/IPv6 prefix/

Fixed in my sources.
> o  typedef ipv4-address-and-prefix
>      "The ipv4-address-and-prefix type represents an IPv4
>       address and an associated ipv4 prefix.
>    s/ipv4 prefix/IPv4 prefix/

Fixed in my sources.
> o  "schema node instance"
>   This term is used in a few places in ietf-yang-types, for example:
>       A schema node instance of this type will be set to zero (0)
>       on creation
>   This isn't correct, since a schema node is a node in the schema
>   tree, and doesn't have a value.  With RFC 7950 terminology, it would
>   be "a node in the data tree".  It is unfortunate that there is no
>   specific term for this in RFC 7950.
>   Perhaps it would be easier to just write "An instance of this
>   type...".
>   (I know that this was not correct RFC 6991 either)

I suggest we use 'A data tree node using this type' as a replacement
of "A schema node instance of this type'. Since a data tree is defined
in RFC 7950 to be an instantiated tree of any data modeled with YANG,
this should be fix the problem.


Jürgen Schönwälder              Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany