[netmod] tree diagram guidelines

Martin Bjorklund <mbj@tail-f.com> Wed, 15 November 2017 09:14 UTC

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There was a proposal in the meeting today to have the guidelines for
tree diagrams in a wiki, instead of having them in 6087bis or in the
tree diagram document.

Was the proposal really to have a wiki for just the tree guidelines,
or was the proposal to withdraw 6087bis from the process and instead
publish all guidelines as a wiki?

If it is the former, is it really worth it?

Advantages with a wiki:

  +  It can be updated more easily

Some drawbacks:

  -  It can be updated more easily
     (meaning they are less stable)

  -  Wikis tend to not be alive after some time, and are not that
     easy to find.  Just try to find the various YANG-related wikis
     we've tried to maintain over the years.

  -  Links in RFCs also have problems.  Sites are re-orginized etc.
     As an example, the link to the security guidelines template in
     RFC 6087 doesn't work anymore.

  -  People that are looking for a stable reference will have problems
     (I think Rob mentioned that IEEE still refer to RFC 6087 (which
     is understandable; that's the published version).

  -  Who maintains the Wiki, and what are the rules for updating it?

I suggest we have the tree-related guidelines (actually just a few
sentences) in the tree draft, and since 6087bis already refers to this
document it is not a big problem that guidelines are spread out over
several documents that are difficult to find.
