[netmod] Using instance-number or instance-name issue - RE: WG Last Call resolutions incorporated in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06
Jiangyuanlong <jiangyuanlong@huawei.com> Mon, 20 November 2017 13:34 UTC
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From: Jiangyuanlong <jiangyuanlong@huawei.com>
To: "tictoc@ietf.org" <tictoc@ietf.org>, Alex Campbell <Alex.Campbell@Aviatnet.com>, Rodney Cummings <rodney.cummings@ni.com>, Karen O'Donoghue <odonoghue@isoc.org>
CC: Xian Liu <lene.liuxian@foxmail.com>, Xujinchun <xujinchun@huawei.com>, "netmod@ietf.org" <netmod@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Using instance-number or instance-name issue - RE: WG Last Call resolutions incorporated in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06
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Subject: [netmod] Using instance-number or instance-name issue - RE: WG Last Call resolutions incorporated in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06
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Hi all, Item #5 below is the last open issue we discussed both in emails and in IEEE 1588 mailing list on draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang. In a summary: in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang, list instance-list has a key of "instance-number", but there were discussions whether to use instance-name (a string) instead. Currently, "instance-number" in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06 aligns well with the texts in the new revision of IEEE 1588 (D1.2/2017): "The instanceList is indexed using a number that is unique per PTP Instance within the PTP Node, applicable to the management context only (i.e. not used in PTP messages). The domainNumber of the PTP Instance must not be used as the index to instanceList, since it is possible for a PTP Node to contain multiple PTP Instances using the same domainNumber." The main requirement of instanceList in IEEE 1588 is the uniqueness of its index, and the "key" statement of YANG serves this purpose very well. That is, when instance-number is used as a key, a PTP Node with multiple PTP Instances cannot use the same instance-number value for these PTP Instances (just according to YANG semantics). Using instance-name (string) can also guarantee the uniqueness of the index of a list, but compared with an integer, a string is usually more complex to process and store. If instance-name is modeled as an arbitrary length of string, there is even a risk of buffer-overflow attack. Furthermore, it should be noted that draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang is targeted at IEEE 1588-2008, for which most products today only have a single PTP instance, and not have a name for this instance, it seems quite weird to introduce a name for this instance. Therefore, I would suggest we keep on using instance-number as a key. But as 65536 limit is a concern, I further suggest to change its type to uint32. Any comments or concerns on this suggestion to move forward? Thanks, Yuanlong ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jiangyuanlong" <jiangyuanlong@huawei.com> To: "Alex Campbell" <Alex.Campbell@Aviatnet.com>; <tictoc@ietf.org> Cc: "Xian Liu" <lene.liuxian@foxmail.com>; "Xujinchun" <xujinchun@huawei.com>; <netmod@ietf.org> Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2017 7:53 AM Subject: Re: [netmod] WG Last Call resolutions incorporated in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06 > Hi Alex, > > Sorry for a late reply as I spent the last week for an urgent business trip. > Please see my comments in line with [YJ] > > Thanks, > Yuanlong > > -----Original Message----- > From: Alex Campbell [mailto:Alex.Campbell@Aviatnet.com] > Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 10:15 AM > To: Jiangyuanlong; tictoc@ietf.org > Cc: Xian Liu; Xujinchun; netmod@ietf.org > Subject: Re: WG Last Call resolutions incorporated in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06 > > Hi, > I've reviewed this latest draft and have some more comments. > > 1. I find the introduction to be unnecessarily wordy; it feels like it was written with a view of not missing any information out, rather than trying to keep it concise. > For example, there is no need to elaborate on YANG data types here. It is also not here to sell YANG. > > [YJ] Yes, we are trying to give some introductory information for an outsider who may not be familiar with PTP or YANG, and explain why a YANG for PTP is needed. The juicy part of this document is its YANG module, and people can skip all the other texts if they are familiar with PTP and YANG. > Besides, these texts have been contributed by multiple sources and undergone several rounds of reviews, thus I will wait for a clear message from the TICTOC chairs to introduce any big changes at this last call stage. > > > OLD: > > As a synchronization protocol, IEEE 1588-2008 [IEEE1588] is widely > supported in the carrier networks, industrial networks, automotive > networks, and many other applications. It can provide high > precision time synchronization as fine as nano-seconds. The > protocol depends on a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) engine to > decide its own state automatically, and a PTP transportation layer > to carry the PTP timing and various quality messages. The > configuration parameters and state data sets of IEEE 1588-2008 are > numerous. > > According to the concepts described in [RFC3444], IEEE 1588-2008 > itself provides an information model in its normative > specifications for the data sets (in IEEE 1588-2008 clause 8). Some > standardization organizations including the IETF have specified > data models in MIBs (Management Information Bases) for IEEE 1588- > 2008 data sets (e.g. [RFC8173], [IEEE8021AS]). These MIBs are > typically focused on retrieval of state data using the Simple > Network Management Protocol (SNMP), furthermore, configuration of > PTP data sets is not considered in [RFC8173]. > > Some service providers and applications require that the management > of the IEEE 1588-2008 synchronization network be flexible and more > Internet-based (typically overlaid on their transport networks). > Software Defined Network (SDN) is another driving factor, which > demands an improved configuration capability of synchronization > networks. > > YANG [RFC6020] is a data modeling language used to model > configuration and state data manipulated by network management > protocols like the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) > [RFC6241]. A small set of built-in data types are defined in > [RFC6020], and a collection of common data types are further > defined in [RFC6991]. Advantages of YANG include Internet based > configuration capability, validation, rollback and so on. All of > these characteristics make it attractive to become another > candidate modeling language for IEEE 1588-2008. > > NEW: > > IEEE 1588-2008 is a time protocol that provides high precision time > synchronization as fine as nano-seconds. > > IEEE 1588-2008 itself provides an information model in its normative > specifications for the data sets (IEEE 1588-2008 clause 8). > Standard information models (e.g. [RFC8173], [IEEE8021AS]) have been > previously defined as MIBs focused on the retrieval of state data using > SNMP [RFC1157]. > > YANG [RFC6020] is a data modeling language used to model configuration > and state data manipulated by network management protocols like NETCONF > [RFC6241]. > > 2. Can we refer to the system as simply PTP rather than IEEE 1588(-2008)? > [YJ] Advice from IEEE 1588 is, we need to use "1588-2008" as much as possible to help clarify that the scope of this YANG is limited to the published 1588 standard. > > > 3. There is insufficient spacing here to separate the terms from their definitions: > OLD > > PTP dataset Structured attributes of clocks (an OC, BC or TC) used > for PTP protocol decisions and for providing values for PTP message > fields, see Section 8 of [IEEE1588]. > > PTP instance A PTP implementation in the device (i.e., an OC or BC) > represented by a specific PTP dataset. > > NEW > > PTP dataset > Structured attributes of clocks (an OC, BC or TC) used > for PTP protocol decisions and for providing values for PTP message > fields, see Section 8 of [IEEE1588]. > > PTP instance > A PTP implementation in the device (i.e., an OC or BC) > represented by a specific PTP dataset. > [YJ] OK. > > 4. There's a singular/plural mismatch here: > > module. Query and configuration of device wide or port specific > configuration information and clock data set is described for this > version. > [YJ] Good, we will change 'is' to 'are'. > > and here: > > Query and configuration of clock information include: > > > 5. The choice of uint16 as instance-number limits implementations to 65536 distinct instances. > While I have a hard time imagining a system with more than 65536 PTP instances, I would prefer to avoid imposing arbitrary limits. > I would recommend changing instance-number to a string (and renaming it to instance-name or just name). > [YJ] The 1588-2008 supports multiple instances of PTP, but it is ambiguous in its organization of those PTP instances, especially with regard to management. > In the 1588 new revision, there is an explicit list of PTP instances, and that list is indexed using a number (not name). Thus to align with the new revision, we need to keep it instance-number. > If 65536 limit is a concern, how about change it to uint32, any concerns? > > > 6. I still recommend removing -ds from the YANG element names that still include it. It doesn't appear to add any value. > [YJ] Rodney's opinion: the value of using 'ds' is that the 1588 document on which this YANG model is based uses "DefaultDS" as a term. PTP experts even say "default dee ess" verbally when referring to this data. If we changed this to just "default", PTP experts might assume that we are referring to something entirely new to YANG. Thus, to align with 1588-2008, the same set of terminologies are used. > > 7. What;s the relevance of injection attacks relevant to this YANG module? > [YJ] This is a general statement which is applicable to this YANG module and other YANG modules as well. > Thanks again, > Yuanlong > > Alex > > > ________________________________________ > From: netmod <netmod-bounces@ietf.org> on behalf of Jiangyuanlong <jiangyuanlong@huawei.com> > Sent: Friday, 27 October 2017 3:21 p.m. > To: tictoc@ietf.org > Cc: Xian Liu; Xujinchun; netmod@ietf.org > Subject: [netmod] WG Last Call resolutions incorporated in draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06 > > Dear all, > > Based on all the comments we received during the WG Last Call process, we've updated the document to version 6. > We believe all the LC comments are resolved and the consensus is reflected in this new revision. > Many thanks to Martin, Tal, Opher, Alex, John and many others who had reviewed and commented on this draft. > > Cheers, > Yuanlong on behalf of all coauthors > > -----Original Message----- > From: internet-drafts@ietf.org [mailto:internet-drafts@ietf.org] > Sent: Friday, October 27, 2017 9:48 AM > To: Xian Liu; Rodney Cummings; rodney.cummings@ni.com; Jiangyuanlong; Xujinchun > Subject: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06.txt > > > A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06.txt > has been successfully submitted by Yuanlong Jiang and posted to the IETF repository. > > Name: draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang > Revision: 06 > Title: YANG Data Model for IEEE 1588-2008 > Document date: 2017-10-26 > Group: tictoc > Pages: 30 > URL: https://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06.tx t > Status: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang/ > Htmlized: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06 > Htmlized: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06 > Diff: https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang-06 > > Abstract: > This document defines a YANG data model for the configuration of > IEEE 1588-2008 devices and clocks, and also retrieval of the > configuration information, data set and running states of IEEE > 1588-2008 clocks. > > > > > Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org. > > The IETF Secretariat > > _______________________________________________ > netmod mailing list > netmod@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/netmod > > _______________________________________________ > netmod mailing list > netmod@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/netmod
- Re: [netmod] +AFs-netmod+AF0- WG Last Call resolu… t.petch
- Re: [netmod] +AFs-netmod+AF0- WG Last Call resolu… Jiangyuanlong
- [netmod] Using instance-number or instance-name i… Jiangyuanlong
- Re: [netmod] Using instance-number or instance-na… Rodney Cummings
- Re: [netmod] Using instance-number or instance-na… Xujinchun
- Re: [netmod] [TICTOC] Using instance-number or in… Bob kb8tq
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- Re: [netmod] [TICTOC] Using instance-number or in… Jiangyuanlong
- Re: [netmod] [TICTOC] Using instance-number or in… Bob kb8tq
- Re: [netmod] [TICTOC] Using instance-number or in… Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: [netmod] [TICTOC] Using instance-number or in… Jiangyuanlong