[netmod] Defining groupings after the fact? draft-jouqui-netmod-yang-full-include and the reuse of definitions
Alexander L Clemm <ludwig@clemm.org> Mon, 29 July 2024 19:22 UTC
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Subject: [netmod] Defining groupings after the fact? draft-jouqui-netmod-yang-full-include and the reuse of definitions
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Hello Jean, Benoit, Thomas, After your presentation at IETF 120, I looked at your draft https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-jouqui-netmod-yang-full-include-02. I do have some questions regarding what happens if the embedded module is being augmented. Is the augmentation automatically embedded as well; does such embedding need to be explicitly stated? Is there a way to augment an embedded module only within the context of the embedding module? On a more general note, it strikes me that there is an increased need in reusing definitions. In various forms, we see this in your use cases, in network inventory use cases, in schema-mount, in peer-mount. YANG does not provide good support for that, which is somewhat ironic in that it does actually support several constructs with reuse and extensibility in mind, from identities to groupings. Hopefully the YANG-next effort will go a long ways towards improving definition reuse to that the need for after-the-fact bandaids can be avoided. When it comes to reusing parts of definitions, it seems that a lot of grief could be avoided if portions that are to be reused would have been defined as groupings, which could then be used wherever needed. The problem is that the grouping construct is rarely used, so many YANG definitions are not available for reuse that otherwise might be. As a thought, it might be useful to introduce a construct that will allow to define a _grouping_ after-the-fact, for later reuse. I.e., allow groupings to be defined in a way that the new grouping embeds an existing definition, then simply make use of that grouping. That would seem perhaps cleanest, able to address many of the use cases and have the additional advantage that the semantics here will be very clear since part of the exising YANG framework. --- Alex
- [netmod] Defining groupings after the fact? draft… Alexander L Clemm
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Jean Quilbeuf
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Robert Peschi (Nokia)
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Alexander L Clemm
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… William Lupton
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Alexander L Clemm
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Shiya Ashraf (Nokia)
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Alexander L Clemm
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Kent Watsen
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Shiya Ashraf (Nokia)
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Kent Watsen
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Rob Wilton (rwilton)
- [netmod] Re: Defining groupings after the fact? d… Andy Bierman