[netmod] [Errata Rejected] RFC7950 (5879)
RFC Errata System <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org> Mon, 28 October 2019 21:48 UTC
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The following errata report has been rejected for RFC7950, "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language". -------------------------------------- You may review the report below and at: https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid5879 -------------------------------------- Status: Rejected Type: Technical Reported by: Ladislav Lhotka <lhotka@nic.cz> Date Reported: 2019-10-22 Rejected by: Ignas Bagdonas (IESG) Section: 3 Original Text ------------- o schema tree: The definition hierarchy specified within a module. Corrected Text -------------- o schema tree: The hierarchy of schema nodes defined in the set of all modules implemented by a server, as specified in the YANG library data [RFC7895]. Notes ----- The original definition of the term has two problems: 1. Schema tree is not limited to a single module. Some YANG constructs, such as augment and leafref type, may refer to a schema node that is defined in another module. 2. Apart from schema nodes, YANG modules contain definitions that do not contribute to the schema tree: groupings, typedefs, identities etc. --VERIFIER NOTES-- Rejected based on WG discussion: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/netmod/5uDEBwgNehfLaPONpDSjVnCcWx8 -------------------------------------- RFC7950 (draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis-14) -------------------------------------- Title : The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language Publication Date : August 2016 Author(s) : M. Bjorklund, Ed. Category : PROPOSED STANDARD Source : Network Modeling Area : Operations and Management Stream : IETF Verifying Party : IESG
- [netmod] [Errata Rejected] RFC7950 (5879) RFC Errata System