[netmod] Question regarding RFC 8344

Peter Schneider <Peter.Schneider@kontron.com> Thu, 11 July 2019 17:04 UTC

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I stumbled on an incompatibility between the IP Management YANG Module and the real world:
In the 'container ipv4', the leaf 'mtu' is declared as uint16 in the range 68..max, which is effective the range 68..65535, as noted in rfc 7950<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7950#section-9.2> .
On the other side, the default MTU size of the loopback interface in Linux is 65536 since several years.
Depending on the used netconf client, the client either reports (correctly) an error when getting / configuring the loopback interface, or silently reduces /raises the shown resp. configured value for the mtu.

Are there any statements available on this issue?

Kind Regards,

Peter Schneider
Peter Schneider
Software Engineer R&D
Heinrich-Barth-Strasse 1-1a | 66115 Saarbrücken | Germany
P: +49 681 95916 206

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